Campylodiscus Guide
Credit: Mark Edlund, Elizabeth Ruck
  1. Valve 'saddle' shaped
  2. Raphe runs along entire valve margin
  3. Raphe positioned in marginal keel

Frustules of Campylodiscus possess a complicated three-dimensional structure which is often termed a distinctive "saddle shape". Like the other genera within the family Surirellaceae, the raphe system is raised onto a keel and positioned along the entire valve margin. Cells possess a single chloroplast, with two lobed margins.

Cells grow singly in epipelic habitats of freshwaters, brackish waters and marine waters.

Note that based on recent work (Ruck et al. 2016) Campylodiscus now includes the fastuosoid members of Surirella and Campylodiscus. The revision excludes other marine Campylodiscus taxa, which are now considered within the genus Coronia. An update to this genus page is planned to revise the nomenclature.

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