Potapova, M.,
Spaulding, S.,
Edlund, M.
In Diatoms of North America.
Retrieved February 15, 2025, from https://diatoms.org/genera/eucocconeis
Frustules heterovalvar - one valve with a raphe, the other lacking a raphe
Frustules with torsional twist about the apical axis
Valves linear-elliptic to lanceolate
Striae uniseriate
Terminal raphe fissures long, curved to opposite sides
Eucconeis frustules are bent about the median transapical plane, including a twisted, sigmoid central sternum. As a member of the monoraphid group, the frustules are heterovalvar and differ in ornamentation between the raphe valve and rapheless valve.
Eucocconeis species occur commonly in the littoral zone of oligotrophic lakes, within...