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    Fallacia pygmaea (Kütz.) Stickle and D.G.Mann in Round, Crawford and D.G.Mann

Displaying 8 of 8 species

Sorted from smallest to largest by maximum length
Fallacia californica Length: 6-15 Width: 3-5 Striae: 20-23
Fallacia tenera Length: 9-15 Width: 4-7 Striae: 16-21
Fallacia subhamulata Length: 15-17 Width: 5-6 Striae: 28-31
Navicula hodgeana Length: 15-19 Width: 5-7 Striae: 16-20
Fallacia vitrea Length: 14-25 Width: 5-6 Striae: 26-30
Fallacia hummii Length: 16-29 Width: 11-20 Striae: 11-12
Fallacia latelongitudinalis Length: 22-32 Width: 4-5 Striae: 45-50
Fallacia pygmaea Length: 17-38 Width: 8-13 Striae: 24-28

18 Additional Fallacia species

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Mar 25, 2013 - Circumstription of genus

The genus Pseudofallacia was established (Lui et al. 2012), resulting in a more narrow circumscription to Fallacia. Images of specimens that align with Pseudofallacia were removed from the genus page for Fallacia. - S. Spaulding

Cite This Page

Spaulding, S., Edlund, M., Metzeltin, D. (2008). Fallacia. In Diatoms of North America. Retrieved February 15, 2025, from https://diatoms.org/genera/fallacia