Partectal ring

Mcalcarea Partectalring
Image Credit: Bart Van de Vijver
Internal SEM view of a valve of Mastogloia calcarea showing the partectal ring. A lacuna forms the gap at each apex of the ring. Partecta line each side of the ring.
Mcalcarea Girdle
Image Credit: Bart Van de Vijver
External SEM image of a frustule of Mastogloia calcarea in girdle view. A row of partectal pores is present on the partectal ring toward each apex, below the edge of the upper valve. Scale bar = 10 µm.
Mastogloia Lacustris Closed Partectal Ring
Image Credit: Bart Van de Vijver
Internal SEM view of valve of Mastogloia lacustris showing the partectal ring in the foreground. A lacuna forms the gap at each apex and partecta line each side of the partectal ring.