
Due to the presence of the septa, this naviculoid diatom is hard to confuse with other taxa. Isolated valves of D. balfouriana bear some resemblance to Pulchella kriegeriana; proximal raphe ends of the latter are much closer together.

LM scalebar = 10 µm
Diatomella balfouriana LM2 Diatomella balfouriana LM1 Diatomella balfouriana LM4 Diatomella balfouriana LM7 Diatomella balfouriana LM3 Diatomella balfouriana LM5 Diatomella balfouriana LM6
Length Range
12-40 µm
Width Range
3.5-6.0 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Also compare to

Pulchella kriegeriana

(Krasske) Krammer

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