• Category
  • Length Range
    7.2-9.2 µm
  • Width Range
    3.0-4.0 µm
  • Striae in 10 µm



Valves are small. Valves are elliptical-lanceolate with cuneate apices. The axial area is narrow. The central area forms a distinct, asymmetric fascia, broadly expanded near the margin on one side and narrow on the other. The fascia may contain shortened, marginal striae. The raphe is linear, with relatively widely separated and inflated proximal ends. The striae are radiate throughout. Areolae are coarse, punctate and visible in LM.

Note that Navicula ingenua lacks the features of the genus Navicula sensu stricto, and is due for inclusion in another (to be described?) genus.


Navicula ingenua was verified in piedmont rivers of the southeast US, particularly those that have been impacted by pollutants.

Naingenua  Biodata Map
Credit: USGS BioData
Distribution of Navicula ingenua in rivers of the continental U.S. based on the National Water Quality Assessment program. Retrieved 02 May 2016.

Original Description

  1. Navicula ingenua nov. spec. Schalen rhombisch-elliptisch mit stumpf gerundeten Enden, um 7,5 μ lang, etwa 3,5 μ breit. Rhaphe gerade, mit entfernt gestellten Zentralporen, Axialarea sehr eng, Zentralarea eine weite, aber unsymmetrische, bis an den Rand reichende Querbinde. Struktur grob, Transapikalstreifen stark radial, etwa 24 in 10 μ, sehr deutlich punktiert. Abb. 19,20.

Valvae rhomico-ellipticae apicibus obtuse rotundatis, circiter 7,5 μ longae et 3,5 latae. Rhaphe directa poris centralibus distantibus, area axialis angustissima, area centralis lata, asymmetrica, usque ad marginem dilatata. Structura valida, striae transapicales randiantes circiter 24 in 10 μ, grosse punctatae.

Nur im Maschinenfleet, sehr selten im Gundschlamm vor dem Gröpelinger Fleet, aber an diesem Fundort vielleicht kaum autochthon. Ökologisch nach diesem Einzelfund nicht zu charakterisieren.

  • Author
    Hust. 1957
  • Length Range
    7-5 µm
  • Width
    3-5 µm
  • Striae in 10µm

Original Images

N Ingenua Origfig
N Ingenua Origdesc

Cite This Page

Polaskey, M., Bishop, I. (2016). Navicula ingenua. In Diatoms of North America. Retrieved November 21, 2024, from https://diatoms.org/species/navicula_ingenua


The 15 response plots show an environmental variable (x axis) against the relative abundance (y axis) of Navicula ingenua from all the stream reaches where it was present. Note that the relative abundance scale is the same on each plot. Explanation of each environmental variable and units are as follows:

ELEVATION = stream reach elevation (meters)
STRAHLER = distribution plot of the Strahler Stream Order
SLOPE = stream reach gradient (degrees)
W1_HALL = an index that is a measure of streamside (riparian) human activity that ranges from 0 - 10, with a value of 0 indicating of minimal disturbance to a value of 10 indicating severe disturbance.
PHSTVL = pH measured in a sealed syringe sample (pH units)
log_COND = log concentration of specific conductivity (µS/cm)
log_PTL = log concentration of total phosphorus (µg/L)
log_NO3 = log concentration of nitrate (µeq/L)
log_DOC = log concentration of dissolved organic carbon (mg/L)
log_SIO2 = log concentration of silicon (mg/L)
log_NA = log concentration of sodium (µeq/L)
log_HCO3 = log concentration of the bicarbonate ion (µeq/L)
EMBED = percent of the stream substrate that is embedded by sand and fine sediment
log_TURBIDITY = log of turbidity, a measure of cloudiness of water, in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU).
DISTOT = an index of total human disturbance in the watershed that ranges from 1 - 100, with a value of 0 indicating of minimal disturbance to a value of 100 indicating severe disturbance.