
Coarse areolae separate this taxon from several species within the genus. Similar taxa include N. bobmarshallensis, N. undulatum, and N. kozlowii.

Neidium bobmarshallensis is larger (60-79 µm), wider (14.8-17.8 µm) and has a higher stria density (13-15 in 10 µm).

Neidium undulatum is much larger (82-110 µm) and wider (23-26 µm). The axial area is wide, with a row of depressions along one side of each raphe branch. The central area is diagonal, with disorganized depressions near the margin.

Neidium kozlowii has wider valves and a narrow axial area. Both N.. kozlowii and N. kozlowii var. ellipticum have straight proximal raphe ends, with round or oblique central fascia and smaller areolae.

LM scalebar = 10 µm
Neidium distinctepunctatum LM6 Neidium distinctepunctatum LM5 Neidium distinctepunctatum LM1 Neidium distinctepunctatum LM4 Neidium distinctepunctatum LM3 Neidium distinctepunctatum LM2
Length Range
32-70 µm
Width Range
12-21 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Neidium bobmarshallensis

Bahls 2013

Neidium bobmarshallensis LM1 Neidium bobmarshallensis LM2 Neidium bobmarshallensis LM3 Neidium bobmarshallensis LM4 Neidium bobmarshallensis LM5
Length Range
60-79 µm
Width Range
14.8-17.8 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Neidium undulatum

Bahls 2013

Neidium undulatum LM5 Neidium undulatum LM1 Neidium undulatum LM2 Neidium undulatum LM3 Neidium undulatum LM4
Length Range
82-110 µm
Width Range
23-26 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Also compare to

Neidium kozlowi
