Several other species of Planothidium have a wide cavum covered by a broad hood that flares at the valve margin. In particular, P. sheathii can confused with larger specimens of P. frequentissimum. Planothidium frequentissimum has a cavum with a narrow closed hood, which is not flared and a higher stria density. Planothidium biporomum has lanceolate valves, with capitate apices and a higher stria density. Planothidium incuriatum has lanceolate valves, with subrostrate apices and a higher stria density. Planothidium cavilanceolatum has proportionally longer valves (larger length to width ratio), with slightly protracted, broadly rounded apices. Planothidium joursacense and P. abbreviatum have rapheless valves with a wider axial area and differing stria densities. Planothidium hinzianum has smaller, elliptic-lanceolate valves, acutely rounded ends, and a higher stria density.