Natasha Phillips
Taxon Contributor
Research Assistant INSTAAR, University of Colorado
live in the sunshine, swim in the sea and drink the wild air -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am a University of Florida alumna and currently a post-baccalaureate student and research assistant at the University of Colorado Boulder, working under the advisement of Sarah Spaulding on the USGS grant funded project: Taxonomic Consistency and Autecology of Algae in Water Quality Assessments. My focus for the project is to process PNSQA Flora diatom samples collected in California to determine morphological identification, as well as to contribute to all of our lab's current projects and the Diatoms of North America website.
I received a BS in Plant Biology from the University of Florida, working under Pamela and Doug Soltis to study plant systematics and under Sixue Chen, to develop my molecular biology wet-lab technique skillset. I went on to serve as the Eli Kirk Price Endowed Flora of PA Intern at the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania. I aspire to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Species contributed
Diploneis abscondita | Diploneis boldtiana | Diploneis calcilacustris | Diploneis galloprovincialis | Diploneis potapovae | Diploneis puellafallax