Lobban, C.,
Ashworth, M.,
Sullivan, M.,
Frankovich, T.
In Diatoms of North America.
Retrieved November 21, 2024, from https://diatoms.org/genera/homoeocladia
Raphe positioned within a central keel
Valve face with depressions adjacent to raphe (SEM)
Depressions with conopea, forming canals (SEM)
Apical keel crest in some ("spathulate”) species
This primarily marine taxon grows epiphytically on seaweed of coral reefs, in biofilms on sand, in mud of mangrove roots, but also in freshwater
streams. While a few species are common, most appear to be very rare and
have been found only by close examination with SEM.
includes a group of bilaterally symmetric species that...