Valves are broadly lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate. Ends are narrow, abruptly protracted and subcapitate to capitate. The axial area is narrow and nearly linear. The central area is large and transversely elliptical. Raphe branches are weakly lateral. The proximal raphe ends are expanded and deflected slightly to the primary side. Striae are radiate and more widely spaced about the central area, becoming parallel and finally convergent at the poles. Areolae are coarse and number 20-23 in 10 µm.
Note that the specimen illustrated as N. rhynchocephala in Patrick & Reimer (1966) corresponds to the type of N. rhynchotella.
There are eight records of Navicula rhynchotella in the Montana Diatom Collection, all of them from the Poplar River or tributaries of the Poplar River in extreme northeastern Montana (near the border with Saskatchewan), where the species is uncommon. The Poplar River and tributaries are freshwater streams but with elevated levels of dissolved solids. Common diatom associates of Navicula rhynchotella in these waters include Planothidium engelbrechtii, Nitzschia commutatoides, Navicula cryptocephaloides, Navicula integra, Craticula riparia, Placoneis placentula, Navicula slesvicensis, Craticula buderi, Placoneis clementis, Navicula associata, Nitzschia bulnheimiana, Navicula amphiceropsis, and Luticola nivalis. Lange-Bertalot (2001) reports Navicula rhynchotella as widespread in Europe, in brackish waters along the coasts, in electrolyte-rich inland waters, and rarely in well buffered, alkaline freshwaters with average electrolyte content (e.g., the Rhine River).
Valvae late ellipticae finibus distincte rostratis, 35-60(80) microns longae, semper magis quam 9 microns, i.e. 10-16 plerumque 13-14 microns latae. Areae et positus et numerus striarum (8-11/10 microns) et numerus lineolarum (20-25/10 microns) N. rhynchocephala similes. Structurae ultramicroscopicae significantes et differentes se praestant in imaginibus figurarum no. 63: 1-6. Comparatio photographica meliorem facet quam per multa vocabula.
Bahls, L. (2011). Navicula rhynchotella. In Diatoms of North America. Retrieved January 18, 2025, from
The 15 response plots show an environmental variable (x axis) against the relative abundance (y axis) of Navicula rhynchotella from all the stream reaches where it was present. Note that the relative abundance scale is the same on each plot. Explanation of each environmental variable and units are as follows:
ELEVATION = stream reach elevation (meters)
STRAHLER = distribution plot of the Strahler Stream Order
SLOPE = stream reach gradient (degrees)
W1_HALL = an index that is a measure of streamside (riparian) human activity that ranges from 0 - 10, with a value of 0 indicating of minimal disturbance to a value of 10 indicating severe disturbance.
PHSTVL = pH measured in a sealed syringe sample (pH units)
log_COND = log concentration of specific conductivity (µS/cm)
log_PTL = log concentration of total phosphorus (µg/L)
log_NO3 = log concentration of nitrate (µeq/L)
log_DOC = log concentration of dissolved organic carbon (mg/L)
log_SIO2 = log concentration of silicon (mg/L)
log_NA = log concentration of sodium (µeq/L)
log_HCO3 = log concentration of the bicarbonate ion (µeq/L)
EMBED = percent of the stream substrate that is embedded by sand and fine sediment
log_TURBIDITY = log of turbidity, a measure of cloudiness of water, in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU).
DISTOT = an index of total human disturbance in the watershed that ranges from 1 - 100, with a value of 0 indicating of minimal disturbance to a value of 100 indicating severe disturbance.
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