
Fallacia tenera is similar in size and striae structure to Fallacia californica. However, F. californica has finer striae (more than 20 in 10 µm), slightly smaller valves, distinct panduriform lyre-shaped hyaline area, asymmetric central area surrounded by variable central striae and two well developed rows of areolae on both sides the raphe branches. Fallacia tenera differs from other freshwater small-sized species with distinct panduriform lyre, such as F. cryptolyra and F. sublucidula, as F. tenera is distinguished by its coarse areolae resolvable with LM. Navicula hodgeana has striae that are more fine.

LM scalebar = 10 µm
Fallacia Tenera 901 M14126 2 Fallacia Tenera 901 M14126 Fallacia Tenera 519 Ps0765 04132016 02 Fallacia Tenera 519 Ps0765 04132016 03
Length Range
9.4-15 µm
Width Range
4.5-7 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Fallacia californica

Stancheva and Manoylov 2018

Fallacia Californica Swamp 404 S 25668 004 Fallacia Californica Swamp 404 S 25668 003 Fallacia Californica Swamp 404 S 25668 001 Fallacia Californica Swamp 404 S 25668 002 Fallacia Californica Swamp 404 S 25668 005
Length Range
6–15 µm
Width Range
3.5–5.6 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Navicula hodgeana

R.M.Patrick and Freese 1961

Navicula hodgeana LM3 Navicula hodgeana LM2 Navicula hodgeana LM1
Length Range
15–19 µm
Width Range
5–7 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Also compare to

Fallacia cryptolyra

BioData Reference
Krammer and Lange-Bertalot 2/1 Pl 65 Fig 7-9

Fallacia sublucidula

BioData Reference
Krammer and Lange-Bertalot 2/1 Pl 66 Fig 40-42

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