

Pseudostauirosira elliptica should be compared with P. brevistrata, P. neoelliptica, and Staurosira construens var. venter. Note that smaller specimens of these taxa may not be distinguishable in LM. Larger specimens of P. brevistrata are more lanceolate in valve outline than P. elliptica. The striae are shorter and composed of a few, wider areolae than in P. neoelliptica, which has longer striae composed of narrower areolae. Also, apical pore fields in P. neoelliptica are more developed than in P. elliptica, which has reduced apical pore fields. The spines of Staurosira construens var. venter are also hollow, but they are positioned in line with the costae. In contrast, the spines of P. elliptica are positioned in line with the striae.

LM scalebar = 10 µm
Pseudostaurosira elliptica LM5 Pseudostaurosira elliptica LM1 Pseudostaurosira elliptica LM3 Pseudostaurosira elliptica LM2 Pseudostaurosira elliptica LM6 Pseudostaurosira elliptica LM4
Length Range
6-14 µm
Width Range
3-3.5 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Pseudostaurosira brevistriata

(Grunow) D.M.Williams and Round 1987

Pseudostaurosira brevistriata LM3 Pseudostaurosira brevistriata LM4 Pseudostaurosira brevistriata LM1 Pseudostaurosira brevistriata LM2 Pseudostaurosira brevistriata LM5
Length Range
10-26 µm
Width Range
3.5-4 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Pseudostaurosira neoelliptica

(Witkowski) E.Morales 2000

Pseudostaurosira neoelliptica LM1 Pseudostaurosira neoelliptica LM4 Pseudostaurosira neoelliptica LM5 Pseudostaurosira neoelliptica LM3 Pseudostaurosira neoelliptica LM2
Length Range
10-14 µm
Width Range
3-4 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Staurosira construens var. venter

(Ehrenb.) P.B.Ham. 1992

Staurosira construens var venter LM3 Staurosira construens var venter LM1 Staurosira construens var venter LM5 Staurosira construens var venter LM2 Staurosira construens var venter LM4
Length Range
5-26 µm
Width Range
4-5.5 µm
Striae in 10 µm

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