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    Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenb.

Displaying 45 of 45 species

Sorted from smallest to largest by maximum length
Gomphonema montezumense Length: 12-19 Width: 8-11 Striae: 11-14
Gomphonema consector Length: 16-24 Width: 5-6 Striae: 13-15
Gomphonema variostriatum Length: 13-25 Width: 4-4 Striae: 8-15
Gomphonema superiorense Length: 23-26 Width: 3-4 Striae: 13-16
Gomphonema lagenula Length: 17-27 Width: 5-6 Striae: 14-17
Gomphonema incognitum Length: 17-29 Width: 5-5 Striae: 13-18
Gomphonema kobayasii Length: 10-30 Width: 3-5 Striae: 9-12
Gomphonema sierranum Length: 23-30 Width: 4-4 Striae: 12-15
Gomphonema caperatum Length: 22-31 Width: 4-5 Striae: 14-16
Gomphonema duplipunctatum Length: 18-34 Width: 4-6 Striae: 9-14
Gomphonema submehleri Length: 24-37 Width: 5-7 Striae: 10-16
Gomphonema sarcophagus Length: 27-38 Width: 5-7 Striae: 6-14
Gomphonema louisiananum Length: 13-38 Width: 3-5 Striae: 11-12
Gomphonema manubrium Length: 31-39 Width: 8-9 Striae: 11-14
Gomphonema gibba Length: 22-40 Width: 7-8 Striae: 9-12
Gomphonema pygmaeum Length: 10-40 Width: 3-5 Striae: 10-13
Gomphonema insularum Length: 15-42 Width: 4-7 Striae: 13-16
Gomphonema apuncto Length: 16-43 Width: 3-4 Striae: 13-16
Gomphonema germainii Length: 24-43 Width: 4-6 Striae: 10-15
Gomphonema stoermeri Length: 19-45 Width: 4-6 Striae: 13-15
Gomphonema distans Length: 26-45 Width: 60-7 Striae: 9-13
Gomphonema ventricosum Length: 33-47 Width: 10-12 Striae: 11-12
Gomphonema brebissonii Length: 17-48 Width: 6-9 Striae: 9-12
Gomphonema turgidum Length: 30-49 Width: 11-15 Striae: 10-14
Gomphonema nathorstii Length: 30-49 Width: 8-10 Striae: 10-13
Gomphonema johnsonii Length: 24-50 Width: 6-8 Striae: 9-12
Gomphonema pseudosphaerophorum Length: 41-50 Width: 8-9 Striae: 9-14
Gomphonema apicatum Length: 40-53 Width: 13-15 Striae: 9-11
Gomphonema freesei Length: 35-53 Width: 6-7 Striae: 12-16
Gomphonema americobtusatum Length: 16-55 Width: 6-10 Striae: 8-12
Gomphonema mexicanum Length: 26-55 Width: 9-13 Striae: 9-11
Gomphonema sphaerophorum Length: 36-55 Width: 12-13 Striae: 12-16
Gomphonema pusillum Length: 32-56 Width: 6-9 Striae: 11-13
Gomphonema christensenii Length: 32-57 Striae: 13-16
Gomphonema mehleri Length: 33-59 Width: 9-12 Striae: 7-9
Gomphonema amerhombicum Length: 22-60 Striae: 13-17
Gomphonema truncatum Length: 30-60 Striae: 10-12
Gomphonema californicum Length: 22-69 Striae: 10-15
Gomphonema reimeri Length: 25-73 Striae: 7-9
Gomphonema acuminatum Length: 19-77 Striae: 9-12
Gomphonema eileencoxiae Length: 59-94 Width: 8-10 Striae: 7-13
Gomphonema elongatum Length: 40-105 Striae: 13-15
Gomphonema coronatum Length: 34-108 Striae: 8-12
Gomphonema semiapertum Length: 74-113 Striae: 9-12
Gomphonema vibrioides Length: 70-118 Width: 9-14 Striae: 8-15

87 Additional Gomphonema species

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Spaulding, S., Edlund, M. (2009). Gomphonema. In Diatoms of North America. Retrieved February 11, 2025, from https://diatoms.org/genera/gomphonema