Sullivan, M.,
Lobban, C.,
Frankovich, T.,
Ashworth, M.
In Diatoms of North America.
Retrieved September 07, 2024, from
Asymmetric Biraphid
Raphe strongly biarcuate
Central nodule with “mucro”
Raphe within canal
Plastid single, large, with two lobes
Frustule lightly silicified
Thalassiophysa is a monotypic genus represented by Thalassiophysa hyalina
(Greville 1865) Paddock and Sims 1981. Thalassiophysa hyalina is a common and easily recognizable member of the flora growing epiphytically on seagrasses and macroalgae in the tropical Pacific (Lobban et al. 2012) and Atlantic (Frankovich and Wachnicka 2015)....