We are pleased to again offer our summer freshwater algae field course. We
focus on all groups of freshwater algae from diverse aquatic habitats.
Students and professionals can gain proficiency in (or sharpen up on)
using taxonomic keys, examining ecological factors influencing algal
biodiversity, and collect high-resolution algal images and voucher
We are located in southern New York state in a wooded preserve that includes a 10-acre mesotrophic lake. We are less than an hour from New York City, and a short distance from the Appalachian Trail, the Hudson River, and many pristine and human-influenced aquatic ecosystems. We will sample a diverse range of lake, pond, and river habitats. We provide a full array of sampling gear, microscopy facilities, and an extensive taxonomic library.
What We Will Do
- Collect and study members of all freshwater algal groups, from cyanobacteria through greens, euglenophytes, dinoflagellates, chrysophytes, diatoms, red algae, and plant-like members.
- Gain familiarity proficiency using modern taxonomic keys.
- Learn the features that distinguish the freshwater algal phyla and genera, and gain familiarity with the diagnostic features that are used to identify members of the major groups.
- Create a database of high-resolution algal images and voucher specimens that can be used in future studies.
Activities and Projects
- A detailed habitat-based survey of benthic and planktonic algae at the meso-eutrophic lake located on the field station property;
- Comparison of algal floras and their ecological factors across a diversity of aquatic habitats in the local area, which encompasses numerous lakes, ponds, marshes, streams, and rivers;
- A detailed study of a specific group or genus of algae in each student’s area of specialization or interest.
- Algae Bio-Blitz: a 24-hour hunt and competition to find the most biodiversity!
Instructor: Dr. John Wehr
Housing: at the field station as available, by request.
Workshop fee: $2,000 includes limited number of on-site accommodations. Meals are not provided.
Deadline for registration: 1 April, 2024
Scholarships: Graduate student members of the Phycological Society of America (PSA) may apply for the Hannah T. Croasdale Fellowship to help defray the cost of attending phycology courses at
biological field stations.