Eduardo loved the natural world, in all its myriad forms. Flowers, frogs, birds, algae; Eduardo appreciated them all. He especially loved the diatoms and he devoted his professional life to exploring, especially the araphid diatoms. He worked on araphid species from collections around the world. Eduardo was especially skilled in imaging with the scanning electron microscope. His SEM images are unmistakably brilliant. Yet, Eduardo wrote of his role and expertise at Universidade de Évora, Portugal simply and humbly as, “Diatom taxonomy and ecology, editorial work”.

Tributes to Eduardo from around the world speak to his kind mentorship and teaching. So many of us were touched by his dedication - to us.

Please feel free to contact us for posting your tribute to our dear Eduardo.


Querido Eduardo,

Al cielo te mando las gracias por todo tu amor a la ciencia. Por tu aporte desinteresado al desarrollo de la micología en Bolivia, por la que te has preocupado y dado asilo. Tenías amor para todo, incluyendo los hongos, y paciencia para una terca estudiante que
aprendió a escribir y perder el miedo a "publicar" gracias a ti.

Hasta siempre,
Elizabeth Melgarejo-Estrada


I was sad to hear of Eduardo’s passing. Both because of our past working relationship and the loss of his potential future contributions to the diatom community.

I have known Eduardo since 2000 when he started working at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University in the Patrick Center’s Phycology Section. Though he left in 2006 to return to Bolivia, he continued to work as a contractor till 2013, when Drexel would no longer allow the remote contract arrangement.

Eduardo was originally hired primarily to analyze diatom samples, but his contributions were much greater than this. Though he counted thousands of samples, he also described many new species, gave talks, mentored students, had productive collaborations with colleagues, and helped develop Phycology Section capabilities. Eduardo served as the Section’s Taxonomic Coordinator and helped promote taxonomic consistency among diatomists within and outside the Academy. He also helped initiate, and was a major contributor to, the Academy’s Algae Image database. Though there was little funding for SEM work, Eduardo knew how important it was and found ways to use instruments at other institutions for low cost or free.

Eduardo made the most of his routine sample analysis. He looked at each new slide as an opportunity to find interesting and new species. He liked to take the time to investigate and keep track of these species and often found them interesting enough to describe in the literature. Several times he said that he could spend the rest of his life describing new species that he had found in the samples he had already analyzed.

Eduardo worked on many projects, including those sponsored by state and federal agencies as well as those funded by companies. One of the biggest was the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water Quality Assessment program (NAWQA); he contributed in many ways including helping to organize several taxonomic workshops and edit resulting reports. Eduardo’s high productivity helped lead to new projects, and his interest in new approaches to taxonomic harmonization and data management led to new capabilities and opportunities for the Section.

Eduardo spread his enthusiasm for diatom research to others around him - colleagues, students, project sponsors, and others. Eduardo liked to collaborate with others and was always willing to help out or help pursue new initiatives and ideas. He was a tireless researcher. I always enjoyed working with Eduardo and his initiative and energy. I will always have many good memories of Eduardo and his time at the Academy.

- Don Charles
Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia


I first met Eduardo several years ago, when I was a PhD student at Luc Ector’s lab in Luxembourg, probably around 2008. I will always remember fondly the times we spent taking SEM images of araphids from South America, while Eduardo was explaining all the details about the different species and the stories of their sampling and the places where they were collected, in his beautiful storytelling manner.

We kept in contact and collaborated in several manuscripts, until he joined the Water Laboratory in Évora and the Earth Sciences Institute, where he stayed for one and a half years in person, and to which he was still affiliated. It was a very pleasant time, during which we sampled temporary streams all over Southern Portugal, together with Manuela Morais and Josué Figueira. Eduardo made these fieldtrips unique, with his knowledge and enthusiasm about all living creatures! Also his participation on the other projects in the Alqueva reservoir and the studies about cyanobacteria in the air left a mark in all of us.

He is remembered by all the team at the University of Évora Water Laboratory and Earth Sciences Institute, in Portugal, especially his kindness, the enthusiasm he put in all the discussions (ranging from cyanobacteria in aerosols, to diatoms in dry substrates…), his innovative ideas and perseverance (for instance, while taking air samples at different heights), and good advices both in professional and in personal matters.

I would like to join mine and his colleagues and friends at the University of Évora contribution to this tribute to Eduardo, we are all very sad with his loss and he will always remain in our memories and hearts!

- Helena Novais, Manuela Morais and the Water Laboratory and Earth Sciences Institute teams, University of Évora, Portugal

To Eduardo and Luc,

It is with a heavy heart that I reflect on the recent losses of two remarkable individuals, Eduardo Morales and Luc Ector. These past few months have been incredibly challenging for me as I mourn the absence of these dear friends. Eduardo and Luc were not only my great friends and confidants, but also my invaluable collaborators, with whom I shared countless beautiful moments discussing diatoms and our personal lives over the course of 15 to 20 years. When I first crossed paths with them as a young adult of around 20, they became the pillars of my scientific journey, guiding me with unwavering support and trust.

The fate of our encounters began when I was conducting my PhD studies in Luc Ector's lab in Luxembourg. It was there that I first met Eduardo, and our bond grew stronger as we embarked on a journey together to attend my first International Diatom Symposium in Croatia that year. I will forever cherish the fond memories of Eduardo introducing me to numerous scientists I had only known through their articles, people with whom he had collaborated during his studies in the United States. For a student like me, his act of kindness and inclusiveness left an indelible mark. Our paths crossed many times thereafter, whether in Brazil (where Eduardo played a vital role in my PhD committee), continuing his collaborations with the Instituto de Botânica in São Paulo, alongside my esteemed advisors Denise and Carlos Bicudo, or in Luxembourg, where he would reside at Luc's residence for several weeks, time that we would meticulously capture thousands of SEM images of minute araphids species from South America and elsewhere, alongside a good lunch at some terrace in a good restaurant spot with them in between microscopy sessions.

Eduardo and Luc not only contributed to my scientific growth by diligently reviewing and enhancing my manuscripts but, more importantly, they propelled me forward with their unwavering belief in my potential. Their influence on my life and career is immeasurable, and their untimely departures have left a void that will never be filled. I find solace in the memories we shared, the laughter we exchanged, and the profound impact they had on shaping the scientist and person I am today. Their legacies will forever endure in my heart, inspiring me to carry their legacy forward and continue so many unfinished articles and ideas we started together.

- Carlos Wetzel

My first meet with Eduardo was virtual – with Kalina Manoyolov we edited the book for Prof. Temniskova. He was one of the authors of an article in this collection - a precise description of course, species belonging to the genus Fragilaria. We met for first time in person in Philadelphia at the Academy of Sciences, where the NAWQA Workshop’2006 took place. After that we had several meetings, several joint papers, a lot of mails according to his editorial activity. My deepest sympathy to the family, the friends, the coworkers, and everyone who knew our dear friend and colleague Eduardo. I will keep the best memories of him, a friendship that went far beyond excellent cooperation, he will stay in my heart forever!

- Nadja Ognjanova

I join this well-deserved tribute... I met Eduardo in person some years ago, when I invited him to give a course on Fragilariaceae at my university. From there, a wonderful relationship of friendship and collaboration began: a course on diatoms together in Jujuy, the plans for teaching another one in Buenos Aires this year, a permanent exchange of ideas for future research projects. We saw some of them become true. The last of our projects, still unfinished, was the co-edition of a book on diatom ecology. We communicated almost weekly, exchanging news, joys and disappointments, interspersed with talks about the music we both liked, the poetry he wrote and the photos of the wonders that sprouted in his garden. The world lost a great friend, scientist, teacher, writer, and so much more.

- Nora I. Maidana, Ciudad Universitaria, Argentina


Que noticia tan triste. Conocía a Eduardo en 2005 en una corta pasantía que realicé en la Academia de Ciencias de Filadelfia. Una persona excelente, me fué a buscar al aeropuerto, luego a desayunar y ya nos hicimos amigos. Siempre preocupado para que sintiera cómodo en el nuevo lugar. Solo palabras de agradecimiento para con el. Un gran ser humano, mas allá del gran profesional. Siempre en mi memoria Eduardo. Muchas gracias!

- Esteban Bruno

Today is a very sad day. The diatom community has lost one of its best researchers, Eduardo Morales. He had supported me in my career from the very first moment we met in his Fragilarioids course in Buenos Aires. He was never formally my mentor, but to me, he was one. Always generous and helpful, taking the time to explain and answer every question I had. We described 11 new diatom species together, and we had a lot more to do for the argentinian southern Patagonia and beyond! He will be missed. First photo is the first species we described together, Staurosira magallanesica. Second photo I took yesterday, is a Rhododendron flower, he loved plants and all nature. Rest in peace.

- Maria Lujan Garcia

Extremely sad to hear that my dear colleage Eduardo Morales, just passed away at the young age of 55. In 2009, we published the book Lichens of Bolivia together, after a workshop in Cochabamba in 2007.

- Robert Luecking

Uno mas de los buenos que se ha ido Eduardo, hemos coincidido pocas veces pero su amabilidad y ilusion por la ciencia eran de lo mas increible. Descansa en paz. Dale un abrazo a tu gran amigo Luc Ector. Ahora juntos en el mas alla.

- Ana T. Luis

Querido Eduardo,Hoy he perdido un gran amigo y mentor. Dejas un vacío que nadie va a poder reemplazar. Conocerte me ayudo a ser una mejor persona. Enriqueciste mi vida, me guiaste, te voy a extrañar mucho.Vivirás en mis recuerdos, en las partes de mí, que ayudaste a construir.Siento mucho no haber podido compartir ese cafecito. Teníamos que ponernos al día cuando estuviese en Bolivia. Hasta siempre

- Vania Chavez

Hoy falleció una persona muy importante para mi! Mi amigo y mentor, querido Dr. Eduardo Morales, no tengo palabras para describir lo que me acabo de enterar y pensar que teníamos planeado ir por un café pero el COVID y luego su estado de salud no nos lo permitió. Gracias por tanto querido Dr. sin su guía no habría sacado la tesis de mi máster. As you always say, It’s not meant to be easy, it’s meant to be right. Siempre llevaré sus enseñanzas y toda esa amistad en mi corazón, espero que algún día podamos tomarnos ese café en el más allá.

- Carla Prado

Eduardo, quedarán sus enseñanzas, el amor por la ciencia, la paciencia y calidez humana demostrada con la desprendida ayuda que hasta sus últimos días recibí con tanta gratitud. Un abrazo inmenso, hará mucha falta.

- Daniela Delgado Acebey

Agradecida a la vida por coincidir con usted, recordaré siempre con cariño nuestra última charla y deseando volver a encontrarlo. Gracias por tanto conocimiento compartidoHasta siempre querido Doc.

- Grisel Dhanus

Solo puedo decir, gracias.

Por la enseñanzas, por acogerme bajo su ala cuando estaba un poco perdida y presionarme para sacar una tesis contra el tiempo, por la paciencia aún con la diferencia horaria y mis entregas de locura, por los consejos y reflexiones que a veces una no sabía que tanto necesitaba, por ser siempre más amigo que docente, gracias por tanto.

El mundo de la ciencia pierde un gran investigador y muchos más perdemos un excelente amigo y mentor. Vuele alto.

- Elu Mendoza Ferrufino

Eduardo was a dear friend and close collaborator over many years. I first met Eduardo when he traveled to the University of Connecticut to start his graduate work. I was on his Ph.D. committee, and his thesis involved working on diatoms found in numerous collections I had made over the previous decade. It was a perfect match, and it was clear early on that Eduardo would devote much of his professional life to diatoms. In my view, Eduardo became one of the top diatomist in the world, and he was the “go to” person for many araphid critters, for sure. His keen eye and devotion to detail was simply amazing. In addition to top-notch microscopy skills, Eduardo had great command of the English language, especially amazing given it was not his native language. This yielded excellent and detailed manuscripts, made him an obvious choice as an editor, and a person I often sent manuscripts to review.

We kept in close contact over the years, no matter where we were, thanks largely to email! This was not the case early in our friendship, when we sent handwritten letters. In addition to diatoms and other algae, we often discussed social, economic and political issues, always updated each other on our families, and more recently on our aches and pains as we grew older. It is funny, that I wrote letters of reference for Eduardo as he started out and progressed over his career, but towards the end he did so for me. It was an honor to ask him to write on my behalf. I will miss my friend dearly and think of him often. For me, Eduardo leaves behind a rich, important and long-lasting body of work, in addition to a treasure trove of memories.

- Peter A. Siver, Connecticut College


    Ayer me enteré que Eduardo Antonio Morales ya no mora entre nosotros. Que dejó este plano donde habitan todas esas maravillas biológicas que lo apasionaban, ahora cambió su morada a algún lugar donde seguramente se estará haciendo mil preguntas como siempre se hizo. Quizá más explicadas desde la poesía y el texto literario que igual le apasionaba (espero que alguien pueda recuperar sus escritos para una publicación póstuma, valen mucho la pena).

    Nos conocimos de pasada cuando ambos entramos el mismo año a dar clases en la UCB - Sede Cochabamba. Un par de años después coincidimos en un panel sobre comunicación y medio ambiente. Y allí nos hicimos una pregunta clave: ¿Por qué no habíamos trabajado juntos en algo?

    Poco a poco fuimos lanzando ideas y terminamos metidos en un pequeño proyecto documental.

    Primero como una iniciativa independiente que encaramos junto a él, Catherine Antezana y Mariana Vargas y luego con el apoyo de Estela Herbas, Directora de la Carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental de la UCB y Daniela Pol (que nos regalo su imponente voz) logramos producir el trabajo que les comparto a continuación.

    Gracias Eduardo por las charlas y experiencias compartidas. Buen viaje.

    - Pablo Mauricio Bustamante Salinas

    Eduardo published over 160 journal articles. Many of them, but not all, are here:

    Morales, Eduardo A. and Kalina M. Manyolov. Achnanthidium lucectorii sp. nov. and A. enigmaticum sp. nov., novel diatoms (Bacillariophyta, Achnanthidiaceae) from Texas, USA. Phytotaxa 592, no. 1 (2023): 1-20.

    Khan-Bureau, Diba A., Saúl Blanco, Eduardo A. Morales, Luc Ector, Michael S. Beauchene, and Louise A. Lewis. Using geometric morphometrics to disentangle Didymosphenia hullii and D. geminata (Bacillariophyceae) from Connecticut, USA, and two congeneric relatives. European Journal of Phycology 58, no. 1 (2023): 99-109.

    Harper, Margaret A., Eduardo A. Morales, and Bart Van de Vijver. An unusual freshwater diatom with bilobate ends from the Mid-Miocene of East Antarctica: Staurosirella tigris sp. nov. (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta). Phytotaxa 541, no. 2 (2022): 201-208.

    Van de Vijver, Bart & Ector, Luc & Wetzel, Carlos and Morales, Eduardo. Lectotypification of four former Odontidium species described by William Smith (Bacillariophyta, Fragilariales). Notulae Algarum 226 (2022).

    Morales, Eduardo A. Two new species of Pseudostaurosiropsis (Bacillariophyta, Fragilariophyceae) from the United States of America, with taxonomic comments on the genus. Algae 37, no. 1 (2022): 33-47.

    Vouilloud, Amelia A., Jose M. Guerrero, and Eduardo A. Morales. Fragilaria pinnata var. subcapitata Frenguelli, typification and current taxonomic status. Phytotaxa 566, no. 1 (2022): 133-139.

    Morales, Eduardo A. Punctastriata altera sp. nov.( Bacillariophyta, Fragilariophyceae), a diatom from the United States of America. Phytotaxa 516, no. 3 (2021): 296-300.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Maria Helena Novais, Maria Lujan Garcia, Nora I. Maidana, and Maria Manuela Morais. Planothidum audax sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta, Achnanthidiaceae), a new diatom from temporary streams in southern Portugal. Phytotaxa 581(2021):

    Morales, Eduardo Antonio, Maria Helena Novais, María Lujan García, Nora Irene Maidana, and Manuela Morais. A new species of Punctastriata (Bacillariophyta, Fragilariophyceae) from temporary streams in southern Portugal. (2021).

    García, M. Luján, Sabrina Bustos, Leonardo A. Villacís, Cecilia Laprida, Christoph Mayr, Patricio I. Moreno, Nora I. Maidana, and Eduardo A. Morales. New araphid species of the genus Pseudostaurosira (Bacillariophyceae) from southern Patagonia. European Journal of Phycology 56, no. 3 (2021): 255-272.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, Luc Ector, and Bart Van de Vijver. Analysis of type material of Opephora pacifica and emendation of the genus Opephora (Bacillariophyta). Botanica Marina 64, no. 1 (2021): 55-69.

    Morales, Eduardo, Maria Helena Novais, Carlos Wetzel, Luc Ector, and Maria Manuela Morais. Fragilaria odeloucaensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta, Fragilariaceae) a diatom from temporary streams in southern Portugal. (2022).

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, and Luc Ector. New and poorly known 'araphid' diatom species (Bacillariophyta) from regions near Lake Titicaca, South America and a discussion on the continued use of morphological characters in 'araphid' diatom taxonomy. PhytoKeys 187 (2021): 23.

    García, M. Luján, Eduardo A. Morales, David G. Mann, and Nora I. Maidana. Sellaphora mayrii (Bacillariophyceae), a new diatom from the Argentinean Patagonia. Phytotaxa 437, no. 3 (2020): 135-146.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, Maria Helena Novais, M. Manuela Morais, and Luc Ector. Nitzschia transtagensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from a spring in Southern Portugal. Botany Letters 167, no. 1 (2020): 32-41.

    Zorzal-Almeida, Stefano, Elaine C. Rodrigues Bartozek, Eduardo A. Morales, and Denise C. Bicudo. Brachysira aristidesii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae, Brachysiraceae): a new species from oligotrophic and mesotrophic tropical reservoirs in southeastern Brazil. Phytotaxa 456, no. 1 (2020): 105-113.

    Morales, Eduardo A. Frustulia tunariensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from the Andes of Bolivia, South America. Diversity 12, no. 9 (2020): 362.

    Novais, Maria Helena, Alexandra Marchã Penha, Eduardo A. Morales, Miguel Potes, Rui Salgado, and Manuela Morais. Vertical distribution of benthic diatoms in a large reservoir (Alqueva, Southern Portugal) during thermal stratification. Science of The Total Environment 659 (2019): 1242-1255.

    Lehmkuhl, Elton A., Eduardo A. Morales, Priscila I. Tremarin, Elaine CR Bartozek, Stefano Zorzal-Almeida, Thelma AV Ludwig, and Carlos E. de M. Bicudo. Two new species of Nitzschia (Bacillariaceae, Bacillariophyta) from tropical reservoirs of southeastern Brazil. Phytotaxa 399, no. 1 (2019): 83-99.

    Novais, Maria Helena, Eduardo Antonio Morales, Alexandra Marchã Penha, Amália Oliveira, Eltamara Souza da Conceição, and Maria Manuela Morais. Invertebrate and benthic diatom dynamics in Mediterranean intermittent streams of southern Portugal. 15th European Ecological Federation Congress and 18th National SPECO Meeting, 2019.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, Elizabeth Y. Haworth, and Luc Ector. Ending a 175-year taxonomic uncertainty: Description of Staurosirella neopinnata sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) to accommodate Fragilaria pinnata, a highly misconstrued taxon with a purported worldwide distribution. Phytotaxa 402, no. 2 (2019): 75-87.

    García, M. Luján, Eduardo A. Morales, Jose M. Guerrero, Priscila I. Tremarin, and Nora I. Maidana. New Aulacoseira species (Bacillariophyta) from the Argentinean Patagonia and re-examination of type material of Melosira perpusilla Frenguelli. Phytotaxa 408, no. 3 (2019): 161-177.

    Guerrero, José María, María Luján García, and Eduardo A. Morales. Staurosirella andino-patagonica sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from lake sediments in Patagonia, Argentina. Phytotaxa 402, no. 3 (2019): 131-144.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, Maria Helena Novais, Krisztina Buczkó, Manuela M. Morais, and Luc Ector. Morphological reconsideration of the araphid genus Pseudostaurosira (Bacillariophyceae), a revision of Gedaniella, Popovskayella and Serratifera, and a description of a new Nanofrustulum species. Plant Ecology and Evolution 152, no. 2 (2019): 262-284.

    García, María Luján, Nora Irene Maidana, Luc Ector, and Eduardo A. Morales. Staurosira patagonica sp. nov., a new diatom (Bacillariophyta) from southern Argentina, with a discussion on the genus Staurosira Ehrenberg. Nova Hedwigia, Beihefte (2018): 103-123.

    Rusanov, Alexander G., Luc Ector, Eduardo A. Morales, Keve T. Kiss, and Éva Ács. Morphometric analyses of Staurosira inflata comb. nov.(Bacillariophyceae) and the morphologically related Staurosira tabellaria from north-western Russia. European Journal of Phycology 53, no. 3 (2018): 336-349.

    Novais, Maria Helena, Maria Alexandra Penha, Eduardo A. Morales, Amália Oliveira, Agnes Bouchez, Amelie Barthès, Philippe Usseglio-Polatera, Gábor Várbíró, and Maria Manuela Morais. Effects of water intermittency on diatom (Bacillariophyta) and invertebrate (aquatic and terrestrial) communities in streams of southern Portugal. In XIX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology Inland waters and XXI century challenges: from scientific knowledge to environmental management. Coimbra, Portugal, 24-29 June 2018 Oral Presentation: Novais MH, Penha MA, Morales EA, Oliveira A., Bouchez A., Barthès A., Usseglio-Polatera P., Várbíró G. & Morais MM Effects of water intermittency on diatom (Bacillariophyta) and invertebrate (aquatic and terrestrial) communities in streams of southern Portugal. (2018).

    Grana, Lorena, Eduardo A. Morales, NORA I. Maidana, and Luc Ector. Two new species of Staurosira and Pseudostaurosira (Bacillariophyta) from the highlands of Argentina (south-central Andes) and two new nomenclatural combinations. Phytotaxa 365, no. 1 (2018): 60-72.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Sinziana F. Rivera, Carlos E. Wetzel, Paul B. Hamilton, Václav Houk, and Luc Ector. A new centric diatom belonging to the Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz. species complex (Bacillariophyta): Cyclotella longirimoportulata from Alalay Pond, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Nova Hedwigia, Beihefte (2018): 73-87.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Sinziana F. Rivera, Carlos E. Wetzel, Paul B. Hamilton, Václav Houk, and Luc Ector. A new centric diatom belonging to the Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz. species complex (Bacillariophyta): Cyclotella longirimoportulata from Alalay Pond, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Nova Hedwigia, Beihefte (2018): 73-87.

    Khan-Bureau, Diba A., Luc Ector, Eduardo A. Morales, Elizabeth J. Wade, and Louise A. Lewis. Contrasting morphological and DNA barcoding methods for diatom (Bacillariophyta) identification from environmental samples in the Eightmile River in Connecticut, USA. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 146 (2017): 279-302.

    Maidana, Nora I., Gustavo A. Aponte, Michael Fey, Frank Schäbitz, and Eduardo A. Morales. Cyclostephanos salsae and Placoneis patagonica, two new diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from Laguna Cháltel in southern Patagonia, Argentina. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 146 (2017): 89-102.

    Maidana, Nora Irene, Eduardo A. Morales, J. Platt Bradbury, Frank Schäbitz, and Václav Houk. A new order and family of diatoms: Arcanodiscales, Arcanodiscaceae (Bacillariophyta) to accommodate Arcanodiscus platti gen. nov. et sp. nov. from the Argentinian Patagonia. (2018).

    Almeida, Pryscilla D., Carlos E. Wetzel, Eduardo A. Morales, Luc Ector, and Denise C. Bicudo. New species and combinations on Fragilariforma (Bacillariophyta) from tropical freshwater environments. Fottea 17, no. 2 (2017): 277-292.

    Bicudo, Denise C., Priscila I. Tremarin, Pryscilla D. Almeida, Stéfano Zorzal-Almeida, Simone Wengrat, Samantha B. Faustino, Lívia F. Costa et al. Ecology and distribution of Aulacoseira species (Bacillariophyta) in tropical reservoirs from Brazil. Diatom Research 31, no. 3 (2016): 199-215.

    Khan-Bureau, Diba A., Eduardo A. Morales, Luc Ector, Michael S. Beauchene, and Louise A. Lewis. Characterization of a new species in the genus Didymosphenia and of Cymbella janischii (Bacillariophyta) from Connecticut, USA. European Journal of Phycology 51, no. 2 (2016): 203-216.

    Wengrat, Simone, Eduardo A. Morales, Carlos E. Wetzel, Pryscilla D. Almeida, Luc Ector, and Denise C. Bicudo. Taxonomy and ecology of Fragilaria billingsii sp. nov. and analysis of type material of Synedra rumpens var. fusa (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) from Brazil. Phytotaxa 270, no. 3 (2016): 191-202.

    Almeida, Pryscilla D., Carlos E. Wetzel, Eduardo A. Morales, Luc Ector, and Denise C. Bicudo. Staurosirella acidophila sp. nov., a new araphid diatom (Bacillariophyta) from southeastern Brazil: ultrastructure, distribution and autecology. Cryptogamie, Algologie 36, no. 3 (2015): 255-270.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, Bart Van de Vijver, and Luc Ector. Morphological studies on type material of widely cited araphid diatoms (Bacillariophyta). Phycologia 54, no. 5 (2015): 455-470.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Sinziana F. Rivera, Sergio Dc Rubin, Morgan L. Vis, and Václav Houk. Aulacoseira kruegeriana (Diatomeae, Coscinodiscophyceae): a new centric diatom from high-elevation Andean rivers and streams of Bolivia. Diatom Research 30, no. 3 (2015): 269-277.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Sinziana F. Rivera, Carlos E. Wetzel, Maria H. Novais, Paul B. Hamilton, Lucien Hoffmann, and Luc Ector. New epiphytic araphid diatoms in the genus Ulnaria (Bacillariophyta) from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. Diatom Research 29, no. 1 (2014): 41-54.

    Buczkó, Krisztina, Nadja Ognjanova-Rumenova, Enikő K. Magyari, Eduardo A. Morales, Agata Z. Wojtal, Imre Magyar, and Luc Ector. Structure, biostratigraphy and distribution of Navicula haueri Grunow, a Miocene diatom (Bacillariophyta) from the Carpathian Realm. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 143 (2014): 369-379.

    Rioual, Patrick, Eduardo A. Morales, Guoqiang Chu, Jingtai Han, Dong Li, Jiaqi Liu, Qiang Liu, Jens Mingram, and Luc Ector. Staurosira longwanensis sp. nov., a new araphid diatom (Bacillariophyta) from Northeast China. Fottea, Olomouc 14 (2014): 91-100.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Krisztina Buczkó, Carlos E. Wetzel, Maria Helena Novais, Nadja Ognjanova-Rumenova, Lucien Hoffmann, and Luc Ector. Transfer of Staurosira grunowii to Staurosirella. Diatom Research 29, no. 2 (2014): 105-110.

    Enache, Mihaela D., Marina Potapova, and Eduardo A. Morales. Platessa strelnikovae (Bacillariophyta), a new species from Maine and Vermont lakes, USA. Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia 143 (2014): 239-244.

    Khan-Bureau, Diba A., Michael S. Beauchene, Luc Ector, Eduardo A. Morales, and Louise A. Lewis. Observations of two nuisance stalk-forming diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from a river in Connecticut, Northeastern USA: Didymosphenia sp. and Cymbella janischii (A. Schmidt) De Toni. BioInvasions Record 3, no. 3 (2014).

    Van de Vijver, Bart, Eduardo A. Morales, and Kateřina Kopalová. Three new araphid diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from the Maritime Antarctic Region. Phytotaxa 167, no. 3 (2014): 256-266.

    Morales, Eduardo A., et al. Current taxonomic studies on the diatom flora (Bacillariophyceae) of the Bolivian Altiplano, South America, with possible consequences for palaeoecological assessments. Geological Society of London, 2014.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, Sinziana F. Rivera, Maria Helena Novais, Lucien Hoffmann, and Luc Ector. Craticula strelnikoviana sp. nov. and Craticula guaykuruorum sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from South American saline lakes. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 143 (2014): 223-237.

    Wetzel, Carlos E., Eduardo A. Morales, Friedel Hinz, Denise C. Bicudo, and Luc Ector. Fragilariforma javanica comb. nov.: analysis of type material of a widely reported species with a tropical distribution. Diatom Research 28, no. 4 (2013): 373-379.

    Morales, Eduardo A., José María Guerrero, Carlos E. Wetzel, Silvia Sala, and Luc Ector. Unraveling the identity of Fragilaria pinnata Ehrenberg and Staurosira pinnata Ehrenberg: research in progress on a convoluted story. Cryptogamie, Algologie 34, no. 2 (2013): 89-102.

    Wetzel, Carlos E., Eduardo A. Morales, Saúl Blanco, and Luc Ector. Pseudostaurosira cataractarum comb. nov. (Bacillariophyta): type analysis, ecology and. Acta Nova 6, no. 1-2 (2013).

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, Sinziana F. Rivera, Maria Helena Novais, Lucien Hoffmann, and Luc Ector. Craticula strelnikoviana sp. nov. and Craticula guaykuruorum sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from South American saline lakes. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 143 (2014): 223-237.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Sinziana F. Rivera, Carlos E. Wetzel, Maria H. Novais, Paul B. Hamilton, Lucien Hoffmann, and Luc Ector. New epiphytic araphid diatoms in the genus Ulnaria (Bacillariophyta) from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. Diatom Research 29, no. 1 (2014): 41-54.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Maria Helena Novais, Gabriela Chvez, Lucien Hoffmann, and Luc Ector. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from the Bolivian Altiplano: three new araphid species from the Desaguadero River draining Lake Titicaca. Fottea 12, no. 1 (2012): 41-58.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, Bart Van de Vijver, Maria Helena Novais, Lucien Hoffmann, and Luc Ector. Examination of type material of araphid diatoms (Bacillariophyta) nomenclaturally associated to Fragilaria, Staurosira or Pseudostaurosira: A long history of species concept drift. In Twenty-second International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Ghent, 26–31 August 2012. Abstracts. Special Publication, vol. 58. 2012.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Kalina M. Manoylov, and Loren L. Bahls. Fragilariforma horstii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) a new araphid species from the northern United States of America. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 141 (2012): 141-154.

    Wojtal, Agata Z., Luc Ector, Bart Van de Vijver, Eduardo A. Morales, Saúl Blanco, Jolanta Piatek, and Agata Smieja. The Achnanthidium minutissimum complex (Bacillariophyceae) in southern Poland. Algological Studies (2011): 211-238.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Luc Ector, Erika Fernández, Maria Helena Novais, Dasa Hlúbiková, Paul B. Hamilton, Saúl Blanco, Morgan L. Vis, and J. Patrick Kociolek. The genus Achnanthidium Kütz. (Achnanthales, Bacillariophyceae) in Bolivian streams: a report of taxa found in recent investigations. Algological Studies 136, no. 1 (2011): 89.

    Ács, Éva, Luc Ector, Keve T. Kiss, Csaba Cserháti, Eduardo A. Morales, and Zlatko Levkov. Morphological observations and emended description of Amphora micrometra from the Bolivian Altiplano, South America. Diatom Research 26, no. 2 (2011): 199-212.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Carlos E. Wetzel, and L. Ector. Two short-striated species of Staurosirella (Bacillariophyceae) from Indonesia and the United States. Polish Botanical Journal 55, no. 1 (2010): 107-117.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Kalina M. Manoylov, and Loren L. Bahls. Three new araphid diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from rivers in North America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 160, no. 1 (2010): 29-46.

    Morales, Eduardo A., and Kalina M. Manoylov. Mayamaea cahabaensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae), a new freshwater diatom from streams in the southern United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 158, no. 1 (2009): 49-59.

    Ács, Éva, Eduardo A. Morales, Keve T. Kiss, Beáta Bolla, Andjelka Plenkovic-Moraj, Mária N. Reskóné, and Luc Ector. Staurosira grigorszkyi nom. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) an araphid diatom from Lake Balaton, Hungary, with notes on Fragilaria hungarica Pantocsek. Nova Hedwigia 89, no. 3 (2009): 469.

    Siver, Peter A., Paul B. Hamilton, and Eduardo A. Morales. Brevilinea pocosinensis Siver, Hamilton & Morales gen. et sp. nov., a new diatom (Bacillariophyceae) genus from North Carolina, USA. Phycological Research 56, no. 3 (2008): 141-148.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Morgan L Vis, Erika Fernández, and J. Patrick Kociolek. Epilithic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from cloud forest and alpine streams in Bolivia, South America II: A preliminary report on the diatoms from Sorata, Department of La Paz. Acta Nova 3, no. 4 (2007): 680-696.

    Siver, Peter A., Paul B. Hamilton, and Eduardo A. Morales. Notes on the genus Nupela (Bacillariophyceae) including the description of a new species, Nupela scissura sp. nov. and an expanded description of Nupela paludigena. Phycological Research 55, no. 2 (2007): 125-134.

    Ramirez-Herrera, M. Teresa, Andrew Cundy, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Arturo Carranza-Edwards, Eduardo Morales, and Sarah Metcalfe. Sedimentary record of late-Holocene relative sea-level change and tectonic deformation from the Guerrero Seismic Gap, Mexican Pacific Coast. The Holocene 17, no. 8 (2007): 1211-1220.

    Siver, Peter A., Paul B. Hamilton, and Eduardo A. Morales. Notes on the genus Nupela (Bacillariophyceae) including the description of a new species, Nupela scissura sp. nov. and an expanded description of Nupela paludigena. Phycological Research 55, no. 2 (2007): 125-134.

    Siver, Peter A., Eduardo A. Morales, Bart Van de Vijver, Michiel Smits, Paul B. Hamilton, Horst Lange‐Bertalot, and John J. Hains. Observations on Fragilaria longifusiformis comb. nov. et nom. nov. (Bacillariophyceae), a widespread planktic diatom documented from North America and Europe. Phycological Research 54, no. 3 (2006): 183-192.

    Lowe, Rex L., Eduardo Morales, and Cathy Kilroy. Frankophila biggsii (Bacillariophyceae), a new diatom species from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 44, no. 1 (2006): 41-46.

    Morales, Eduardo A., and Kalina M. Manoylov. Morphological studies on selected taxa in the genus Staurosirella Williams et Round (Bacillariophyceae) from rivers in North America. Diatom Research 21, no. 2 (2006): 343-364.

    Morales, Eduardo A. Small Planothidium Round et Bukhtiyarova (Bacillariophyceae) taxa related to P. daui (Foged) Lange-Bertalot from the United States. Diatom Research 21, no. 2 (2006): 325-342.

    Morales, Eduardo A., and My Le. A new species of the diatom genus Adlafia (Bacillariophyceae) from the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 154, no. 1 (2005): 149-154.

    Morales, Eduardo A., Loren L. Bahls, and William R. Cody. Morphological studies of Distrionella incognita (Reichardt) Williams (Bacillariophyceae) from North America with comments on the taxonomy of Distrionella Williams. Diatom Research 20, no. 1 (2005): 115-135.

    Morales, Eduardo A., and My Le. The taxonomy of the diatom Lacunicula sardiniensis Lange-Bertalot, Cavacini, Tagliaventi et Alfinito and its relationship with the genus Craticula Grunow (Bacillariophyceae). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 154, no. 1 (2005): 155-161.

    Morales, Eduardo A., and Mark B. Edlund. Studies in selected fragilarioid diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia. Phycological Research 51, no. 4 (2003): 225-239.

    Manoylov, Kalina M., Eduardo A. Morales, and Eugene F. Stoermer. Staurosira stevensonii sp. nov.(Bacillariophyta), a new taxon from Florida, USA. European Journal of Phycology 38, no. 1 (2003): 65-71.

    Morales, Eduardo A. Studies in selected fragilarioid diatoms of potential indicator value from Florida (USA) with notes on the genus Opephora Petit (Bacillariophyceae). Limnologica 32, no. 2 (2002): 102-113.

    Clason, Todd, Frank Acker, Eduardo Morales, and Lont Marr. Analysis of Diatoms on Microscope Slides Prepared From USGS NAWQA Program Algae Samples. Protocols for the analysis of algal samples collected as part of the US Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment program (2002): 61.

    Morales, Eduardo A., and Paul B. Hamilton. Seventh NAWQA taxonomy workshop on harmonization of algal taxonomy. Philadelphia, USA (2002).

    Morales, Eduardo A. On the taxonomic status of the genera Belonastrum and Synedrella proposed by Round and Maidana (2001). Cryptogamie-Algologie 24, no. 3 (2003): 277.

    Morales, Eduardo A., and Marina Potapova. Third NAWQA Diatom Taxonomy Harmonization Workshop. Patrick Center for Environmental Research. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Report No. 00-8 (2000).

    Morales, Eduardo Antonio. Limnological studies in Connecticut lakes: The use of periphytic diatoms in the assessment of lake trophic status. University of Connecticut, 2000.

    Morales, Eduardo A., and Francis R. Trainor. Algal phenotypic plasticity: its importance in developing new concepts. Algae 12 (1997): 147-157.

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