In celebration of 61 years of the Ecology and Systematics of Diatoms course that began at Iowa Lakeside Lab by Gene Stoermer, the North American Diatom Symposium is returning to Lakeside.

Book your calendars;

Recruit your students;

Cancel your courses;

Tune your guitars;

Hone your impressions of famous diatomists;

Bring your collecting kit;

Collect your wierd stuff for the NADS auction;

Check the website - registration is open!

The 27th NADS will be held on October 2-6, 2024 at Iowa Lakeside Lab (ILL) in northwestern Iowa as part of the celebration of 61 years of Lakeside's Ecology and Systematics of Diatoms course. Iowa Lakeside Lab is a biological field station that was established on the shores of West Lake Okoboji in 1909.

Participants will present their work in diatom research including biodiversity, evolution, ecology, systematics, biological assessment, paleolimnology, and nanotechnology. In addition to the scientific program, the meeting will include traditional NADS activities like the Scum Run and NADS auction.

Join us for the friendliest and most fun scientific symposium ever!


Wednesday, October 2

5:00-9:00 PM Registration
7:00-10:00 PM Light snacks and Social

Thursday, October 3

7:00-8:15 Breakfast
8:30-8:45 Opening remarks and Welcome
8:45-10:00 Student Session 1 (Student moderators, student presenters) 6
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break / Poster Set Up
10:30-12:00 Student Session 2 (Student moderators, student presenters) 6
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:30-3:00 Alumni Session 1 (plenary plus 4 alumni) P+4
3:00-3:30 Coffee Break / Poster Set Up
3:30-5:00 Alumni Session 1 (plenary plus 4 alumni) P+4
4:50-6:00 Break
6:00-7:00 Dinner
7:30-10:00 Scientific Session 1 - Poster Presentations (7:30-9:00) & Social

Friday, October 4

7:00-8:15 Breakfast
8:25-8:30 Announcements
8:30-10:00 Lakeside Session 3 P+4
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break / Poster Set Up
10:30-12:00 Lakeside Session 4 P+4
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:30-3:00 Rex Lowe 80th Session 1 (Jane Marks, Plenary: Ecosystem Consequences of a nitrogen fixing proto-organelle) P+4
3:00-3:30 Coffee Break
3:30-5:00 Rex Lowe 80th Session 2 5
4:50-6:00 Break
6:00-7:00 Dinner
8:00-10:00 NADS Auction/Social

Saturday, October 5

7:00-8:15 Breakfast
8:30-10:00 Scientific Session 2 Oral Presentations 6
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Scientific Session 3 Oral Presentations 6
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Business Meeting, Taxonomic Certification Commitee, feedback, host for NADS 20262:30-2:50 Coffee Break
2:50-4:00 Free Time, collecting, collaborating, open discussions
4:00-6:00 Scum Run
6:00-7:00 Dinner
7:30-8:45 Workshop - TBD
7:30-8:45 Workshop – TBD
9:00 Social/Scum Run Awards

Sunday, September 27

7:30-8:30 Breakfast & Departure
9:00 Optional Collecting Trips