“To be a good biologist and make contributions you first have to learn one group of organisms in great depth.” - Ruth Patrick

Dr. Patrick not only learned one group of organisms, diatoms, in great depth, she founded the field of river ecology. In a recent issue of the Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 24(4):108-111, Rex Lowe writes of the career and life of Ruth Patrick. Many of the species pages in Diatoms of the United States are of diatoms described by Dr. Patrick. Her scientific publications are included here, along with just a few of the species that she described from North America.

Lewis, I.F., C. Zirkle, and R. Patrick. 1933. Algae of Charlottesville and vicinity. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 48(2):207-223.
Cocke, E.C., I.F. Lewis, and R. Patrick. 1934. A further study of Dismal Swamp peat. Amer. Jour. Bot., 21(7):374-395.
Patrick, R. 1935. Some diatoms of the Great Salt Lake as indicators of present and geological water conditions. Biol. Bull., 69(2):338.
Patrick, R. 1936. A taxonomic and distributional study of some diatoms from Siam and the Federated Malay States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 88:367-470.
Patrick, R. 1936. “Karo” as a mounting medium. Science, 83(2143):85-86.
Patrick, R. 1936. Some diatoms of Great Salt Lake. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club., 63(3):157-166.
Drouet, F., R. Patrick, and L.B. Smith. 1938. A flora de quatro acudes da parahyba. Ann. Acad. Brasil Sci., 10(2):89-103.
Patrick, R. 1938. A flora de quatro acudes da parahyba. IV. Bacillariophyta. Ann. Acad. Brasil. Sci., 10(2):93-102.
Patrick, R. 1938. Diatoms - the useful jewels of the sea. Frontiers, 2(3):94-96.
Patrick, R. 1938. The culture of plants in nutrient solutions. Pennsylvania School of Horticulture, Bull. No. 1, 12 pp.
Patrick, R. 1938. The occurrence of flints and extinct animals in Pluvial deposits near Clovis, New Mexico. V. Diatom evidence from the Mammoth Pit. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 90:15-24.
Patrick, R. 1939. Nomenclatural changes in two genera of diatoms. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, No. 28, 11 pp.
Patrick, R. 1940. A suggested starting point for the nomenclature of diatoms. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 67(7):614-615.
Patrick, R. 1940. Some new diatoms from Brazil. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, No. 59, 7 pp.
Patrick, R. 1941. Diatoms of northeastern Brazil. Part I Coscinodiscaceae, Fragilariaceae, and Eunotiaceae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 92:191-226.
Patrick, R. 1941. Diatoms In: Sayles, E.B. and E. Antevs, The Cochise Culture. Medallion Papers, No. 29, pp. 69-70.
Patrick, R. 1943. The diatoms of Linsley Pond, Connecticut. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 95:53-110.
Patrick, R. 1943. Diatoms. In: MacClintock, Paul: Marine topography of the Cape May Formation. Jour. Geol, 51(7):458-472.
Patrick, R. 1944. Estudo limnologico e biologica das lagoas de regiao litoranea Sul-Riogradense. II. Some new diatoms from the Lagoa dos quadros. Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, n.s., Bot. No. 2, 6 pp.
Patrick, R. 1944. Well-boring at Brandywine Lighthouse in Delaware Bay. Part II. Miocene diatoms. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, No. 133, 12 pp.
Patrick, R. 1945. Grant No. 61, Johnson. A card catalogue of nomenclatural entities of diatoms described since 1930. Year Book., Amer. Phil. Soc.
Patrick, R. 1945. A taxonomic and ecological study of some diatoms from the Pocono Plateau and adjacent regions. Farlowia, 2(2):143-221.
Patrick, R. 1945. In H.G. Richards, Deep-oil test at Salisbury, Wicomico County, Maryland. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., 29(8):1196-1202.
Patrick, R. 1946. Diatoms from Patschke Bog, Texas. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, No. 170, 7 pp.
Patrick, R. 1948. Factors affecting the distribution of diatoms. Bot. Review, 14(8):473-524.
Patrick, R. 1948. Why study a stream? Frontiers 13(1): 3-4.
Patrick, R. 1949. A proposed biological measure of stream conditions based on a survey of Conestoga Basin, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 101:277-341.
Wallace, J.H. and R. Patrick. 1950. A consideration of Gomphonema parvulum Kutz. Butler Univer. Bot. Stud., 9:227-234.
Patrick, R. 1950. Biological measure of stream conditions. Sew. & Indus. Wastes, 22(7):926-938.
Patrick, R. 1950. Some new methods for dealing with variation in diatoms. Proc. 7th Internat. Bot. Congress, Stockholm.
Patrick, R. 1951. A proposed biological measure of stream conditions. Proc. Internat. Assoc. of Theoret. and Appl. Limnol., 11:299-307.
Doudoroff, P., B.G. Anderson, G.E. Burdick, P.S. Galtsoff, W.B. Hart, R. Patrick, E.R. Strong, E.W. Surber, and W.M. Van Horn. 1951. Bioassay methods for the evaluation of acute toxicity of industrial wastes to fish. Sew & Indus. Wastes, 23(11):1380-1397.
Starret, W.C. and R. Patrick. 1952. Net plankton and bottom microflora of the Des Moines River, Iowa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 104:219-243.
Patrick, R. 1953. Aquatic organisms as an aid in solving waste disposal problems. Sew. & Indus. Wastes, 25(2):210-214.
Patrick, R. 1953. Biological phases of stream pollution. Proc. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci., 27:33-36.
Patrick, R., and N.M. Wallace. 1953. The effect of agar on the growth of Nitzschia linearis. Amer. Jour. Bot., 40(8):600-602.
Patrick, R., M.H. Hohn, and J.H. Wallace. 1954. A new method for determining the pattern of the diatom flora. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, No. 259, 12 pp.
Patrick, R. 1954. Sexual reproduction in diatoms. In: D.H. Wenrich (ed.) et. al., Sex in Microorganisms. Colonial Press, Inc., Clinton, Mass. pp. 82-99.
Patrick, R.1954. The diatom flora of Bethany Bog. Jour. Protozool., 1:34-37.
Patrick, R. 1954. Diatoms as an indicator of river change. Proc. 9th Indus. Waste Conf., Purdue Univ. Engin. Bull. No. 87, pp. 325-330.
Patrick, R. 1956. Diatoms as indicators of changes in environmental conditions. In: C.M. Tarzwell (Ed.), Biological Problems in Water Pollution. Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center; Cincinnati, Ohio, pp. 71-83.
Patrick, R., and M.H. Hohn. . 1956. The diatometer--a method for indicating the conditions of aquatic life. Proc. Amer. Petroleum Inst., Sect. III, Refining, 36(3):332-339.
Hutchinson, G.E., R. Patrick, and E.S. Deevey. . 1956. Sediments of Lake Patzcuaro, Michocoan, Mexico. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 67:1491-1504.
Patrick, R. 1958. Some nomenclature problems and a new species and a new variety in the genus Eunotia (Bacillariophyceae). Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, No. 312, 15 pp.
Patrick, R. 1959. An evaluation of the contribution to the systematics of diatoms of electron microscope studies. Proc. 9th Int. Bot. Congr., 2:296-297.
Patrick, R.1959. Aquatic life in a new stream. Water & Sewage Works, 106:531-535.
Patrick, R.1959. New species and nomenclatural changes in the genus Navicula (Bacillariophyceae). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 111:91-108.
Patrick, R. 1959. How is industry meeting its responsibilities in keeping streams clean. 7th Ann. Pennsylvania Clean Streams Conf., 5 pp.
Patrick, R.1959. New subgenera and two new species of the genus Navicula (Bacillariophyceae). Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, No. 324, 11 pp.
Patrick, R. 1959. The development of the fauna and flora in a new stream bed, progress report. Proc. 1959 Air & Water Pollution Abatement Conf., pp. 120-136.
Patrick, R.1959. Bacillariophyceae. In: Ward and Whipple, Freshwater Biology, ed. 2. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 171-189.
Patrick, R. 1960. Correct use and abuse of Philadelphia's rivers. Proc. 88th Ann. Meeting Fairmount Park Art Assoc., pp. 15-28.
Patrick, R. 1961. An evaluation of the contribution to the systematics of diatoms of the electron microscope studies. In: Recent Advances in Botany; IX Int. Bot. Congr., 1959, Vol. I:221-226.
Patrick, R.1961. Use without abuse of our water resources. Massachusetts Audubon, Jan. - Feb., 4 pp.
Patrick, R. 1961. A study of the numbers and kinds of species found in rivers in eastern United States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 113(10):215-258.
Patrick, R. 1961. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from the alimentary tract of Phoenicoparrus jamesii (Sclater). Postilla, 49:43-56.
Patrick, R., and L.R. Freese. . 1961. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from Northern Alaska. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 112(6):129-293.
Patrick, R. 1962. Limnology studies pollution. Frontiers, 26(3):90-92.
Patrick, R. 1962. Discussion of paper by Charles E. Renn, "Ecology and fine-grained sediments.” Jour. Geophysical Res., 67(4):1509-1510.
Patrick, R. 1962. Effects of river physical and chemical characteristics on aquatic life. Jour. American Water Works Assoc., 54(5):544-550.
Patrick, R. 1963. The structure of diatom communities under varying ecological conditions. Conf. on the problems of environmental control on the morphology of fossil and recent protobionta. New York Acad. Sci., 108(2):359-365.
Patrick, R., and D. Strawbridge. 1963. Methods of studying diatom populations. Jour. Water Poll. Control Fed., 25(2):151-161.
Patrick, R., and D. Strawbridge. 1963. Variation in the structure of natural diatom populations. American Nat., 97(892):51-57.
Patrick, R. 1964. A discussion of natural and abnormal diatom communities. In: Algae and man, ed. D.F. Jackson. Plenum Press, N.Y., pp. 185-204.
Patrick, R. 1964. A discussion of the results of the Catherwood Expedition to the Peruvian headwaters of the Amazon. Verh. Internat. Verin. Limnol., 15:1084-1090.
Patrick, R.1965. Algae as indicators of pollution. In: Biological Problems in Water Pollution, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare, Cincinnati, Ohio, PHS Publ. 999-WP-25, pp. 225-231.
Patrick, R.1965. Use without abuse. Frontiers, 29(5):133-137.
Patrick, R. 1965. Water - use without abuse. Proc. 8th Ann. Northeast Fertilizer Conf., pp. 24-30.
Patrick, R. 1966. Introduction and Part I--Limnological observations and discussion of results. In: The Catherwood Foundation Peruvian-Amazon Expedition. Monograph 14, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 1-40.
Patrick, R.1966. The diatoms. In: History of Laguna de Petenxil. Mem. Connecticut Acad. Arts & Sci., 17:74-77.
Patrick, R. 1966. PEPCO's approach to use without abuse of the Patuxent River. In: Seminar Proceedings, Water Resources and Stream Generation of Electricity. Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. pp. 46-63.
Patrick, R., and C.W. Reimer. 1966. Diatoms of the United States. Vol. I. Monograph 13, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia.
Patrick, R.1967. Diatom communities in estuaries. In: Estuaries. Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, pp. 311-315.
Patrick, R.1967. The versatile diatom. Frontiers, 31(3):74-75.
Patrick, R.1967. The effect of invasion rate, species pool, and size of area on the structure of the diatom community. Proc. National Acad. Sciences, 58(4):1335-1342.
Patrick, R. 1967. The effect of varying amounts and ratios of nitrogen and phosphate on algae blooms. Proc. 21st Ann. Industrial Waste Conf., Purdue U., Purdue, Indiana, pp. 41-51.
Patrick, R.1967. Natural and abnormal communities of aquatic life in rivers. Bull. South Carolina Acad. Sci., 29:19-28.
Patrick, R., John Cairns, Jr. and S.S. Roback. 1967. An ecosystematic study of the fauna and flora of the Savannah River. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 118(5):109-407.
Harvey, R.S. and R. Patrick. 1967. Concentration of 137Cs, 65Zn, and 85Sr by freshwater algae. Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 9:449-456.
Patrick, R. 1968. Effect of suspended solids, organic matter, and toxic materials on aquatic life in rivers. Water & Sewage Works, Feb. 1968.
Patrick, R.1968. Water Research Programs—Aquatic Communities. US. Dept. of the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research. Washington, D.C. 22 pp.
Patrick, R.1968. The structure of diatom communities in similar ecological conditions. American Naturalist, 102(924):173-183.
Patrick, R.1968. Aquatic communities and the problems of water quality. General Systems, 13:125-127.
Patrick, R. 1968. Effect of suspended solids, organic matter, and toxic materials on aquatic life in rivers. Proc. First Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conf., U. of Delaware, Newark, Del., pp. 275-283.
Patrick, R. 1968. Our freshwater environment. Garden Journal, 18(6):174-176.
Patrick, R., John Cairns, Jr., and A. Scheier. 1968. The relative sensitivity of diatoms, snails, and fish to twenty common constituents of industrial wastes. Prog. Fish-Cult., 30(3):137-140.
Patrick, R., N.A. Roberts, and B. Davis. 1968. The effect of changes in pH on the structure of diatom communities. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, No. 416, 16 pp.
Patrick, R. 1969. In: Survival? Man and Water: A Community Health Forum (The Mary Scott Mewbold Symposium). Trans., Stud. Coll. Phys. Surg. Philadelphia, series 4, 36(4)185-214.
Patrick, R.1969. Some effects of temperature on freshwater algae. In: Biological Aspects of Thermal Pollution, Ed. P.A. Krenkel and F.L. Parker. Vanderbilt Univ. Press, pp. 161-185.
Patrick, R., B. Crum, and J. Coles. 1969. Temperature and manganese as determining factors in the presence of diatom or blue-green algal floras in streams. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 64(2):472-478.
Patrick, R.1969. The River and The Watershed. The Morton Arboretum Quarterly, 5(4):56-64.
Patrick, R.1969. Summary of factors affecting the structure of benthic communities in streams. (Abstract). In: The Stream Ecosystem; An American Association for the Advancement of Science Symposium, Technical Report #7, Institute of Water Research, Michigan State University, pp. 38-39.
Patrick, R.1970. Our freshwater environment. In: Challenge for survival. Ed. P. Dansereau, Columbia Univ. Press, pp. 187-194.
Patrick, R.1970. Use without abuse of water resources. In: Wullstein, L.H., et. al. (eds.): Environment, man, survival: Grand Canyon Symposium, 1970, pp. 87-95.
Patrick, R.1970. Aquatic communities of rivers. New Jersey Nature News, 25(3):109-112.
Patrick, R.1970. The diatom flora of some lakes of the Galapagos Island. Nova Hedwigia (Suppl.), Heft 31, pp. 495-510.
Patrick, R. 1970. A healthy stream rests on a precarious web of life. Better Living, 24(5):25-27.
Patrick, R. 1970. The diatoms. In: Ianula: An account of the history and development of the Lago di Monterosi, Latium, Italy. Trans. American Philosphical Soc., 69(4):112-122.
Patrick, R. 1970. Benthic stream communities. American Scientist, 58(5):546-549.
Patrick, R. 1970. The river and the watershed. Compost Science, 111(4):28-32.
Grant, R. R. and R. Patrick. 1970. Tinicum Marsh as a water purifier. In: Conservation Foundation; Two studies of the Tinicum Marsh: 105-123 + map.
Cairns, J., Jr., R.L. Kaesler, and R. Patrick. 1970. Occurrence and distribution of diatoms and other algae in the upper Potomac River. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, No. 436, 12 pp.
Patrick, R.1971. The effects of increasing light and temperature on the structure of diatom communities. Limnology and Oceanography, 16(2):405-421.
Patrick, R.1971. The ecology of the river and watershed. Technical Guidance Center Bulletin, Univ. of Massachusetts, 3(5):1-3.
Patrick, R.1971. The diatom communities. In: The Structure and Function of Fresh-Water Microbial Communities. Research Monograph 3, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, pp. 151-164.
Patrick, R., and R. R. Grant, Jr. 1971. Observations of stream fauna. In: Miller, R., Adam, et. al.; Hydrology of two small river basins in Pennsylvania before urbanization; U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 701-A:24-39.
Patrick, R.1972. A commentary on "What is a River.” In: River Ecology and man. Academic Press, Inc., N.Y., pp. 67-74.
Patrick, R. 1972. Aquatic communities as indices of pollution. In: Indicators of Environmental Quality. Ed. W.A. Thomas. Plenum Publishing Corp., N.Y., pp. 93-100.
Patrick, R. 1972. Benthic communities in streams. In: Transactions, Connecticut Acad. Arts & Sci., Vol. 44, pp. 272-284.
Patrick, R. 1972. The potential of various types of thermal effects on Chesapeake Bay. J. Washington Acad. Sci., 62(2):140-144.
Patrick, R. 1973. Use of algae, especially diatoms, in the assessment of water quality. In: Biological Methods for the Assessment of Water Quality; ed. Cairns and Dickson. American Soc. for Testing & Materials, Special Technical Publication 528, pp. 76-95.
Patrick, R.1973. The river and the watershed. Morris Arboretum Bull., 24(4):63-66.
Patrick, R.1973. Ecological aspects of environmental impact statements. In: Proceedings of the Environmental Assessment and Impact Statements Conference, June 13-14, 1973, Drexel University, pp. 91-95.
Patrick, R. 1973. Diatoms as bioassay organisms. In: Glass, Gary E. (ed.); Bioassay techniques and environmental chemistry, pp. 139-151.
Patrick, R. 1973. Aquatic systems. In: Nitrogenous Compounds in the Environment. Hazardous Materials Advisory Committee, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA-SAB-73-001, pp. 127-139.
Bott, T., R. Patrick and R.L. Vannote. 1973. The effects of natural temper-variations on riverine communities, In: Report to the Congress by the Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Part III. Serial No. 93-14. Patrick, R. 1974. A viewpoint from the life sciences. In: Water and the Environmental Crunch; Ed: W.E. Bonini. Proc. Princeton Univ. Conf. 115, Princeton University, pp. 51-58.
Patrick, R. 1974. Effects of abnormal temperatures on algal communities. In: Thermal Ecology; Ed: J. Gibbons and R. Sharitz. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, pp. 335-349.
Patrick, R., and D.M. Martin. 1974. Biological surveys and biological monitoring in fresh waters. Contributions from the Department of Limnology, No. 5, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia.
Patrick, R.1975. Energy and the environment. Frontiers, 39(3):5-9.
Patrick, R., T. Bott, and R.A. Larson. 1975. The role of trace elements in management of nuisance growths. U.S. EPA, Environmental Protection Technology Series, EPA-660/2-75-008.
Patrick, R.1975. Stream communities. In: Ecology and Evolution of Communities, Ed: M. Cody & J. Diamond. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, pp. 445-459.
Patrick, R., and C.W. Reimer. 1975. Diatoms of the United States. Volume II, Part 1. Monograph 13, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia.
Patrick, R.1975. Some thoughts concerning correct management of water quality. In: Urbanization and Water Quality Control, Ed: W. Whipple, Jr. American Water Resources Association, Proc. #20,, pp. 14-18.
Patrick, R.1976. The effect of a stabilization pond on the Sabine estuary. In: Ponds as a Wastewater Treatment Alternative, Ed: E.F. Gloyna, J.F. Malina, Jr., and E.M. Davis. Center for Research in Water Resources, College of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Water Resources Symposium #9, pp. 33-55.
Patrick, R.1976. Energy and the environment. In: A change of perspective, Lectures from the Kelly Mosley Environmental Forum, Auburn University, pp. 56-64.
Patrick, R. 1976. Overview of aquatic ecosystems. In: Biological Control of Water Pollution, Ed: J. Tourbier and R.W. Peirson, Jr. University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 39-40.
Patrick, R. 1976. The role of aquatic plants in aquatic ecosystems. In: Biological Control of Water Pollution, Ed: J. Tourbier and R.W. Peirson, Jr. University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 53-59.
Patrick, R., and P. Kiry. 1976. Estuarine surveys, biomonitoring and bioassays. Contributions from the Department of Limnology, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, No. 6, 155 pp.
Patrick, R. 1976. The formation and maintenance of benthic diatom communities. Proc. American Philos. Soc., 120(6):475-484.
Patrick, R. 1977. The importance of monitoring change. In: Biological Monitoring of Water and Effluent Quality, J. Cairns, et al. (Eds.). ASTM STP 607, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 157-189.
Patrick, R.1977. Ecology of freshwater diatoms and diatom communities. In: The Biology of Diatoms, D. Werner (Ed.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Botanical Monographs Vol. 13, pp. 284-332.
Patrick, R. 1977. Diatom communities. In: Aquatic Microbial Communities, J. Cairns, Jr. (Ed.). Garland Publishing, Inc., pp. 141-159.
Patrick, R. 1977. The changing scene in aquatic ecology. In: The Changing Scenes in Natural Sciences, 1776-1976. Academy of Natural Sciences, Special Publication 12, pp. 205-222.
Patrick, R. 1978. Identifying integrity through ecosystem study. In: Integrity of Water. Proc. Symposium, March 10-12, 1975. Washington, D.C., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water and Hazardous Materials. pp. 155-162.
Patrick, R.1978. Monitoring the condition of flowing waters by biological organisms. Section 7 in Proceedings of the First and Second USA - USSR Symposia on the Effects of Pollutants Upon Aquatic Ecosystems. Vol. 1, Duluth, Minnesota USA Symposium, October 21-23, 1975. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA-600/3-78-076, pp. 68-81.
Patrick, R. 1978. Pine barrens surface water. Frontiers, 42(2):21.
Patrick, R.1978. Effects of trace metals in the aquatic ecosystem. American Scientist. 66(2):185-191.
Ackerman, W.C., D.J. Allee, J. Amorocho, Y.Y. Haimes, W.A. Hall, R.A. Meserve, R. Patrick, and P.M. Smith. 1978. Scientific and technological considerations in water resources policy. EOS, 59(6):516-527.
Patrick, R. 1978. Some impacts of channelization on riverine systems. In: Environmental Quality Through Wetlands Utilization. Coordinating Council on the Restoration of the Kissimmee River Valley and Taylor Creek-Nubbin Slough Basin, Tallahassee, Florida. pp. 15-28.
Patrick, R., and N.A. Roberts. 1979. Diatom communities in the middle Atlantic states. Nova Hedwigia. 64:265-283.
Patrick, R., B. Matson, and L. Anderson. 1979. Streams and Lakes in the Pine Barrens. In: Pine Barrens, Ecosystems and Landscape; Ed: R.T. Foreman. Academic Press, Inc., N.Y. pp. 169-193.
Patrick, R. 1980. Freshwater ecosystems--acid rain. In: Environment, The Global Connection Summary Report. Meridian House International. pp. 32-36.
Bott, R., R. Patrick, R. Larson, and C. Rhyne. 1980. The effect of Nitrotriacetic Acid (NTA) on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities in streams, U.S. EPA report. 157pp.
Friant, S.L., R. Patrick, and L.A. Lyons. 1980. Effects of nonsettleable biosolids on stream organisms. Jour. Water Poll. Contr. Fed., 52(2):351-363.
Patrick, R.1980. The Schuylkill River in changing times. In: Proceedings of the Schuykill River Symposium. September 24 and 25, 1980. Pp. 9-12.
Patrick, R., V.P. Binetti, S.G. Halterman. 1981. Acid lakes from Natural and Anthropogenic Causes. Science. 211:446-448.
Patrick, R. 1981. The World's Wetlands. EPA Journal 7 (2):13-16.
Patrick, R., and J.W. Sherman. 1981. The Waters of Merom: A study of Lake Huleh 7. Diatoms Stratigraphy of the 54-M Core Arch. Hydrobiol. 92(2):199-221. Stuttgart. Sept. 1981.
Patrick, R.1982. What is the condition of our surface water? National Water Conference. pp. 11-29.
Patrick, R.1982. Water — A Critical Problem. The Garden Club of America Bulletin, 70(4):5-9.
Patrick, R.1982. The energy dilemma. Swarthmore College Bulletin. 79(5):2-4.
Patrick, R.1982. The history of the science of diatoms in the United States of America. 7th International Diatom Symposium.
Patrick, R., and V. Pye. 1983. Groundwater Contamination in the United States. Science, 221:713-718.
Pye, V, R. Patrick, and J. Quarles. 1983. Groundwater Contamination in the United States. University of PA Press. 315 pp.
Patrick, R.1983. Statement. Hearing before Committee on Armed Services U.S. Senate, First Session, North Augusta. pp. 45-47.
Patrick, R., C. E. Rhynme, R. W. Richardson, III, R. A. Larson, T. L. Bott, and K. Rogenmuser. 1983. The potential for biological controls of Cladophora glomerata. Project Summary. US EPA. EPA-600/S3-83-065. Nov. 1983. Duluth.
Patrick, R. 1984. Groundwater Contamination Proceedings. Conference on Water Resources of GA. pp. 115-120.
Patrick, R.1984. Some thoughts concerning the importance of patterns in diverse riverine systems. Proceedings. American Philosophical Society. 128(1):48-79.
Patrick, R.1984. Challenging Problems in Water Management. Implications for the Biological and Environmental Sciences. Proceedings. University Council on Water Resources. pp. 40-45.
Patrick, R.1984. A Comparison of Factors Affecting the Fate of Toxics in Surface and Groundwater. Proceedings. Second National Water Conference. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. pp. 41-47.
Patrick, R. 1985. What should be the Rationale for Bioassays? Multispecies Toxicity Testing. J.Cairns, Jr. editor. Pergamon Press, Inc. NYC.
Patrick, R., and J. Cairns, Jr. editors. 1986. Managing Water Resources. Praeger Publishers, New York.
Patrick, R.1986. Diatoms as Indicators of Changes in Water Quality. Proc. of Eighth Int'l Diatom Symp. Koeltz Scientific Books. Koenigstein, Germany. pp. 759-766.
Patrick, R.1986. Water Use and Land Management: An Overview. Eds: John Cairns, Jr. and Ruth Patrick. Praeger Press. Westport. pp. 1-5.
Patrick, R. 1986. Rural Preservation in Pennsylvania. Environmental Matters. Conference Proceedings sponsored by the French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust, Inc. pp 23-50.
Patrick, R. 1987. The Savannah River. Proceedings of a Symposium in honor of Dr. Ruth Patrick. E.I. DuPont de Nemours Co. Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, S.C. pp. 85-105.
Patrick, R., E. Ford and J. Quarles. 1987. Groundwater Contamination in the United States. Second Edition. University of PA Press. Philadelphia, PA. 513 pp.
Patrick, R.1988. Groundwater Contamination: Sources, Effects & Options to deal with the Problem. Proced. Third Water Conf. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1987. pp. 13-18. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, PA. Eds: Pete Churchill and Ruth Patrick.
Patrick, R. 1988. Changes in the Chemical and Biological Characteristics of the Upper Delaware River Estuary in Response to Environmental Laws. Ecology and Restoration of the Delaware River. Eds: S.K. Majumdar, E.W. Miller, and L.E. Sage. PA. Acad. Sci. pp. 332-359.
Patrick, R. 1988. Importance of diversity in the functioning and structure of riverine communities. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33(6, part 1), Amer. Soc. of Limnol. & Oceano., Inc. pp. 1304-1307.
Patrick, R.1989. Past, present, and future of water use and management. Water Management in the 21st Century - American Water Resources Assoc. pp. 15-19.
Patrick, R. 1989. Reevaluation of solutions to pollution problems. Proc. Amer. Philosophical Soc., 134(2):90-94.
Bott, R., R. Patrick, R. Larson, and C. Rhyne. 1980. The effect of Nitrotriacetic Acid (NTA) on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities in streams, U.S. EPA report. 157pp.
Friant, S.L., R. Patrick, and L.A. Lyons. 1980. Effects of nonsettleable biosolids on stream organisms. Jour. Water Poll. Contr. Fed., 52(2):351-363.
Patrick, R.1980. The Schuylkill River in changing times. In: Proceedings of the Schuykill River Symposium. September 24 and 25, 1980. Pp. 9-12.
Patrick, R., V.P. Binetti, S.G. Halterman. 1981. Acid lakes from Natural and Anthropogenic Causes. Science. 211:446-448.
Patrick, R.1981. The World's Wetlands. EPA Journal 7 (2):13-16.
Patrick, R., and J.W. Sherman. 1981. The Waters of Merom: A study of Lake Huleh 7. Diatoms Stratigraphy of the 54-M Core Arch. Hydrobiol. 92(2):199-221. Stuttgart. Sept. 1981.
Patrick, R. 1982. What is the condition of our surface water? National Water Conference. pp. 11-29.
Patrick, R.1982. Water — A Critical Problem. The Garden Club of America Bulletin, 70(4):5-9.
Patrick, R. 1982. The energy dilemma. Swarthmore College Bulletin. 79(5):2-4.
Patrick, R.1982. The history of the science of diatoms in the United States of America. 7th International Diatom Symposium.
Patrick, R., and V. Pye. 1983. Groundwater Contamination in the United States. Science, 221:713-718.
Pye, V, R. Patrick, and J. Quarles. 1983. Groundwater Contamination in the United States. University of PA Press. 315 pp.
Patrick, R.1983. Statement. Hearing before Committee on Armed Services U.S. Senate, First Session, North Augusta. pp. 45-47.
Patrick, R., C. E. Rhynme, R. W. Richardson, III, R. A. Larson, T. L. Bott, and K. Rogenmuser. 1983. The potential for biological controls of Cladophora glomerata. Project Summary. US EPA. EPA-600/S3-83-065. Nov. 1983. Duluth.
Patrick, R.1984. Groundwater Contamination Proceedings. Conference on Water Resources of GA. pp. 115-120.
Patrick, R. 1984. Some thoughts concerning the importance of patterns in diverse riverine systems. Proceedings. American Philosophical Society. 128(1):48-79.
Patrick, R.1984. Challenging Problems in Water Management. Implications for the Biological and Environmental Sciences. Proceedings. University Council on Water Resources. pp. 40-45.
Patrick, R.1984. A Comparison of Factors Affecting the Fate of Toxics in Surface and Groundwater. Proceedings. Second National Water Conference. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. pp. 41-47.
Patrick, R. 1985. What should be the Rationale for Bioassays? Multispecies Toxicity Testing. J.Cairns, Jr. editor. Pergamon Press, Inc. NYC.
Patrick, R., and J. Cairns, Jr. editors. 1986. Managing Water Resources. Praeger Publishers, New York.
Patrick, R. 1986. Diatoms as Indicators of Changes in Water Quality. Proc. of Eighth Int'l Diatom Symp. Koeltz Scientific Books. Koenigstein, Germany. pp. 759-766.
Patrick, R. 1986. Water Use and Land Management: An Overview. Eds: John Cairns, Jr. and Ruth Patrick. Praeger Press. Westport. pp. 1-5.
Patrick, R. 1986. Rural Preservation in Pennsylvania. Environmental Matters. Conference Proceedings sponsored by the French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust, Inc. pp 23-50.
Patrick, R. 1987. The Savannah River. Proceedings of a Symposium in honor of Dr. Ruth Patrick. E.I. DuPont de Nemours Co. Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, S.C. pp. 85-105.
Patrick, R., E. Ford and J. Quarles. 1987. Groundwater Contamination in the United States. Second Edition. University of PA Press. Philadelphia, PA. 513 pp.
Patrick, R.1988. Groundwater Contamination: Sources, Effects & Options to deal with the Problem. Proced. Third Water Conf. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1987. pp. 13-18. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, PA. Eds: Pete Churchill and Ruth Patrick.
Patrick, R.1988. Changes in the Chemical and Biological Characteristics of the Upper Delaware River Estuary in Response to Environmental Laws. Ecology and Restoration of the Delaware River. Eds: S.K. Majumdar, E.W. Miller, and L.E. Sage. PA. Acad. Sci. pp. 332-359.
Patrick, R.1988. Importance of diversity in the functioning and structure of riverine communities. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33(6, part 1), Amer. Soc. of Limnol. & Oceano., Inc. pp. 1304-1307.
Patrick, R.1989. Past, present, and future of water use and management. Water Management in the 21st Century - American Water Resources Assoc. pp. 15-19.

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