Description: This presentation is to illuminate and
celebrate the deep roots and ancestry of diatom lineages that led to the
diverse and ubiquitous distribution of diatoms. The biostratigraphic
record of diatoms spans at least the last 100 million years, with diatom
morphological innovation and evolution preserved in Cretaceous records
around the globe. Although preservation of original diatom valves is
often a problem due to the temporal instability of opaline silica,
diatoms can be recovered well in cemented concretions, in amber, and in
sediment sequences that were not buried deeply. The goal of this
presentation is to put a ‘face’ on some of the oldest physical records
of diatoms and discuss the nature of the diatom paleontological records
and progress to extend the diatom record further back in time.
14 February 2023
WEBINAR: The great grandmother diatoms
Access the recorded presentation by David Harwood, University of Nebraska