• Type Species
    Encyonopsis cesatii Krammer

Displaying 28 of 28 species

Sorted from smallest to largest by maximum length
Encyonopsis lacusalpini Length: 11-12 Width: 3-3 Striae: 26-29
Encyonopsis minuta Length: 11-14 Width: 3-3 Striae: 24-27
Encyonopsis alpina Length: 12-14 Width: 2-3 Striae: 28-32
Encyonopsis subminuta Length: 10-15 Width: 3-4 Striae: 23-27
Encyonopsis microcephala Length: 10-16 Width: 3-4 Striae: 22-24
Encyonopsis thumensis Length: 8-16 Width: 2-3 Striae: 24-30
Encyonopsis perborealis Length: 9-18 Width: 2-3 Striae: 26-30
Encyonopsis bobmarshallensis Length: 8-18 Width: 2-3 Striae: 22-24
Encyonopsis hustedtii Length: 14-19 Width: 3-4 Striae: 23-26
Encyonopsis robusta Length: 13-20 Width: 3-3 Striae: 19-22
Encyonopsis krammeri Length: 11-20 Width: 2-4 Striae: 25-30
Encyonopsis kutenaiorum Length: 16-21 Width: 3-3 Striae: 23-26
Encyonopsis medicinalis Length: 14-21 Width: 4-5 Striae: 20-23
Encyonopsis albertana Length: 14-22 Width: 3-4 Striae: 20-24
Encyonopsis anacondae Length: 16-24 Width: 3-4 Striae: 25-28
Encyonopsis neerlandica Length: 13-26 Width: 3-4 Striae: 24-28
Encyonopsis descripta Length: 25-29 Width: 5-6 Striae: 18-20
Encyonopsis czarneckii Length: 19-30 Width: 3-5 Striae: 22-24
Encyonopsis aequaliformis Length: 24-31 Width: 5-7 Striae: 12-15
Encyonopsis dakotae Length: 24-32 Width: 4-6 Striae: 18-20
Encyonema evergladianum Length: 16-33 Width: 4-6 Striae: 20-22
Encyonopsis descriptiformis Length: 22-34 Width: 5-6 Striae: 18-20
Encyonopsis falaisensis Length: 19-36 Width: 5-6 Striae: 16-18
Encyonopsis cesatii Length: 22-38 Width: 4-6 Striae: 16-19
Encyonopsis cesatiformis Length: 26-43 Width: 5-7 Striae: 17-19
Encyonopsis stafsholtii Length: 24-44 Width: 5-6 Striae: 22-25
Encyonopsis lacuscaerulei Length: 36-61 Width: 5-6 Striae: 17-20
Encyonopsis montana Length: 37-75 Width: 7-8 Striae: 19-21

6 Additional Encyonopsis species

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Nov 08, 2015 - Change in circumscription

The concept of the genus Encyonopsis was changed to become more narrow as of this date. The genus Kurtkrammeria was recognized and established as a new genus. Formerly, Encyonopsis included the broader definition.

Cite This Page

Bahls, L. (2015). Encyonopsis. In Diatoms of North America. Retrieved January 21, 2025, from https://diatoms.org/genera/encyonopsis

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