The Diatom Web Academy continues...
Sessions are recorded and can be accessed for later viewing. You are invited to join us, wherever you may be, from anywhere around the world.
Martyn Kelly
Striving for consistency in the face of ecological diversity - a tale of two continents
Becky Bixby
Looking for light - the role in shaping diatom assemblages
Melissa Vaccarino
Diatoms 101
Aga Pinowska
Microalgae-based biofuels
Sarah Spaulding
The genus Navicula
Franco Tobias and Evelyn Gaiser
Long-term studies of calcareous benthic assemblages, Florida Everglades
Xavier Cortada
The art of diatoms
Patrick Kociolek
Grades and clades
Thomas Frankovich, Florida International University
Evolution and ecology of the secret gardens growing on marine megafaun
Paul Hamilton
The genus Neidium
Eveline Pinseel
Pinnularia borealis - a case study
Elena Jovanoska
The genus Diploneis
Xavier Benito
Is everything everywhere? Community ecology meets biogeography
Sylvia Lee
Keeled diatoms
Kathleen Stoof-Leichsenring
Applications of diatom sedimentary DNA in paleoecology
Luisa Riato
Genus-level, trait-based multimetric indices for diatom assessment
Isabel Hong
Diatoms of the intertidal environments of Willapa Bay, Washington as a sea-level indicator
Nick Schulte
Application of diatom multi-metric indices to state monitoring data
Paula Noble
Use of monitoring data to inform paleolimnological records, examples from two lakes in northern California