Citations 12

Contributors 12

Becky Bixby

Research Assistant Professor University of New Mexico and Museum of Southwestern Biology

Irene Tunno

Paleoecologist University of Nevada, Reno

Ehsan Atazadeh

Associate Professor of Ecology Department of Plant, Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Iran

Somayyeh Kheiri

Research Scientist Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, National Botanical Garden, Tehran, Iran

Dawn DeColibus

M.S. Student Ball State University

Elizabeth Alexson

Research Staff Scientist Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth

Nick Schulte

Research Scientist Jonah Ventures

Elizabeth Ruck

Research Associate University of Arkansas

Clint Davis

Algal Taxonomist/Ecologist Rhithron Associates, Inc.

Mihaela Enache

Research Scientist The State of New Jersey

Samantha Hormiga

MS Student, Biology Florida International University